
Great! Now I like it too, thanks for changing my mind!

I'll start by saying that I and many other people called it. But for real? Could Glen's situation
have resolved itself any easier? Why does he think it's ok to make all this noise knowing he had to wait because there were walkers around? Does anyone really care what happens to Enid? Maggie, sigh, it would be so nice


I had soooo many feels with this episode. My heart broke when I knew Olitz really couldn't be together right now. Yes we've been on this roller-coaster before, but damn! Also, David is the most pathetic player EVER. Mellie stole the show this week, while foreshadowing how horrible Fitz is. To be clear everyone on


This episode had me on the edge of the seat! Every time I thought I knew what was going on there was a new twist and I loved it. The only negative I saw in the episode was the devolution of Conner's character, his reactions to things seem out of place knowing that they all are involved in the mess together. But in

Only 2 comments this week. 1) Jamal is NOT Michael Jackson in the early 90s and a Pepsi sponsership is not the greatest thing that can happen to a musician in 2015. I'm getting to point where I dread his weekly songs, because they're all starting to sound the same. 2) Freda was better overall at the battle. Hakeem

Each week I realize more and more that I am not the target demo for this show. The first season was good though and I hope they get another season.

It sounded A LOT like Glenn, but I guess we'll find out next week.

This is the first week since "Glenn went missing", that I've cared about what was going on. Daryl's group reminded me a lot of the Alexandrians, but no matter how stupid those three people were and how much they're going to suffer, Daryl is awesome. The stuff with Sasha and Abraham was also better than the stuff with

The episode wasn't that good overall, but the ending was WOW. Fitz hasn't done much on his own in a LONG time, so this was unexpected. He got exactly what he wanted and Olivia got the opposite. I think this is going to lead to a lot of juicy stuff in the upcoming episodes, so I give it a B-.

I can't remember the last time I watch an episode of TVD straight through and even though I still skipped Lily's new kids this was a great episode. So much character development, so much drama! This season is tenough times better than anything The Originals has been doing.

Usually I prefer HTGAWM to Scandal, but this week Scandal was much better. Almost nothing happened, even though they made it seem like they were doing a lot of big reveals. I'm not complaining about the episode, because it was all build up for next week. I can't wait to see what happens.

That would be a much better show, they make it seem like we live in a world where Snoop and Jay Z are making chart topping records. They are not and Lucious' music sounds "old fashion" in terms of rap style.

I'm writing this before reading the review. I skipped a couple of episodes this season and came back last and thought the show had improved. Then I saw this week's episode and knew this show would never get better. I can't remember that last time I watched an hour of tv that felt so rushed, overstuffed and unfocused.

You wait 5 days and then get mad at me because I thought the kiss was funny. I don't care enought to justify my comments other than to say, she let him kiss her.

I'm usually pretty hard on this show, so I'm going to be nice this week and only say that Barry needs to stop telling people his secret. People who know will be in danger and that's irresponsible. Minus Patty I really liked this episode. It's weird that the person I cared about most in this episode was Wells.

I agree, it feels like everything I used to love about show (mainly cool single lady Mindy) is gone.

Sigh, mean girl moms. I just cant anymore, I know shows should evolve, but theres a reason why I don't watch family shows, I don't care. Also, the racially insensitive jokes will never be funny and I'm sick of ignoring them. Trail of tears, really? And Jody, why is he still there, the school likes him because says

What a great episode, some how they even made me feel bad for Petra and almost like Taf's sister. But, did we really need non-actor Britney Spears? Every time she was on screen it was very distracting and it felt forced. I love Ro but if the writers don't need him for any of the main storyline sfor a week, maybe they