
Maybe they should have named the episode "Daenna's reaction shots" because really! Why did I have to see sooooo many intense close ups of her face. What writer thought we were waiting to see how she would react to the fallout. Everytime she stabbed that walker in the HEART (is this chick for real?) I hoped it bit her.

Thanks for the great review.

I never watch the scenes with Enzo so I don't him very well, I hope this thing with him and Bonnie turns out ok. I also liked that the stone didn't really bring people back, I think Jo is going to have a lot of good scenes with that storyline. Am I the only one that has ZERO sympathy for mother Salvatore and hates her

I've never expected a lot from this show, so I almost always enjoy it and this episode was no exception. Famka is back and as good as ever! Eve and Anna have the best chemistry, I hope she sticks around for a long time. At this point I'm pretty sure Anna knew one or both of Wes's parents and that's why she feels such

I thought the episode was great. Olivia is finally embracing her strength and power. Fitz is finally relegated to the kid's table where he should have been all along and he's too stupid to know it. There was no Mellie and as much as I love Bellamy, Mellie has been doing too much this season. The VP is awesome and I

I've only watched one episode of SNL this season (Tracy Morgan). I will not be watching again since Lorne cares more about giving Trump air time than having a show that doesn't offend Mexicans, immigrants, Black people, women and anyone who thinks Trump is bad for a America. Oh well, it's been going downhill for years.

I didn't watch the last 2 episodes (because Blackness isn't a joke), but I did watch this one and I enjoyed it. It wasn't a great hour of television, but at least everyone has something to do. I also, love it when all 3 brothers are together, they really seem like a real family in those moments. I haven't liked this

I think you're right, that still doesn't mean it's good writing.

That's a good point. I sorta forgot about the fiancee guy.

It's kinda weird how this show keeps rehashing the same stupid. This Earth 2 storyline is just forcing everyone to keep talking about stuff from last season. it feels like the main characters are trending water because they can't move on. But the one storyline from season they seem to have forgotten is Barry + Iris,

I liked the stuff with Jeremy, Peter, Tamara and Collette, I miss Peter. But honestly this situation with Danny is getting old, he does know Mindy has two full time jobs and a new born, I get that his dad is sick, but he also has a family and sad texts are not parental invovlement. In two weeks Mindy went from being a

After two crappy weeks I really enjoyed this episode. Thank the writers for bringing back Milos so Petra can leave Raf alone for a bit. I feel so bad for him at the end though. But, Jane will always pick Michael over Raf.

I'm less than 10 minutes in and I already am not looking forward to this marathon episode. I know Morgan was/is a fan favorite, being I'm so over him. 25 minutes in, soooooo bored, I refuse to comment on the fact that this nice White man is teaching the crazed Black man how to be civilized while holding him in a CAGE!

I'm also pretty sure he participated. Even if he was just a witness his actions are unforgivable IMO.

After quitting the show and coming back I can't complain about what I'm seeing, because the show just doesn't hold the same emotional weight for me anymore. With that said I enjoyed the episode. It was nice to see the first Olitz argument that didn't end with them breaking up. They are evolving and that's good. I knew

The episode was kinda boring until the end. I love that we got to meet Frank's family and I'm glad Anna was FINALLY nice to Bonnie. I felt bad for Asher until I heard about the gang rape, now I want more details before I decide how much I hate him. Conner and Oliver are in danger girl! (That's a reference to "Ghost").

I LOVER The Originals, but does this show really need two Rebekah Michaelson copycats? I just hope Elena is really gone until the very last episode, let's move on! Also, resurrection is a bad idea.

Sounds like a Danny thing to do, smh.

Valid point about the breastfeeding, I didn't even think about it. Obviously I'm not a parent.

So according to Catlin only scientist are trying to make something of themselves? That was just plain rude and not needed to forward the story. Then she brings in the scientist aND telks hI'm EVERYTHING without even vetting hIm completely. Has she never heard of a "mad scientist" you know like WELLS?!? Next they trick