
An old White woman complaining about slave labor when she babysat her own grandson will NEVER be funny. There were THREE slave jokes in this episode, did the writers get a memo that slavery was funny, I never got that memo. I used to love the show about a single independent woman with a great job. This is not that

After last week's whatever that was, I'm really glad this episode was awesome. Also, glad Amy got to be the smart one instead of the brunt of a joke like she usually is.

I guess the moral of this episode was never get married and never try to help someone you know is shady, because they will get you killed. RIP Glenn, surprised they let you live this long. Also, I hope Rick's hand is ok, kI'll ing those randys was badass!!! I wonder why so many people thought standing around when

No, that's why I have a feeling he's doing something for Anna.

Two or three weeks ago I said I was done with Scandal forever, turns out I was wrong. And I'm really glad I was wrong because last week and last night were sooooooo good. Anytime the show isn't all about victim Mellie or B613 I am happy. Also, I've always loved Cyrus aka Mr Katimski and he is finally back in the fold.

I liked it, I'm glad that everyone is involved in the shady dealings. Frank is the best/smartest one on the show. I really want to know how he's gonna be in involved in the future story line, I bet him and Anna planned the whole thing and he's hiding in background. But IDK, with this show trust no one is the best rule

I loved all the gun control comments, but everything else had me thinking WTF am I watching. I laughed when Morgan showed up on the bike, but that was the only time I laughed. Glad Danny isn't really Eric's dad but why did this episode have to happen? Somehow Danny is the good guy even though he lied and abandoned

#DooDooPie best line of the night!

This could have been an A episode if Willie wasn't in the weekend update, they hadn't been 100% pro Hillary AGAIN or had that anti-gay segment. But all in all Tracy was so good I really did miss the past when SNL was good. The dancing in the bar was too funny.

I didn't know it was considered funny to make fun of people who struggle with addiction. IMO that's less funny than fat jomes. I think at this point I'm only gonna watch for Gina and the captain.

I'm glad the captain is back at the 99, but the fat jokes with Terry were extremely unfunny. Terry Crews is one of the most physically fit people on tv and for his character to be turned into a fat joke for the whole episode was just poor writing. This is the fattest country in the world so the joke is on all of us.

I'd be satisfied if they were all dead. If they can't figure out they're naive when zombies are literally walking towards them or when their friends and neighbors are getting murdered in the streets, they'll never learn.

This is gonna sound harsh but I'd like to thank the wolves for trimming the fat. More than 4 years in if you can't/ won't fight to survive maybe you don't deserve to survive. I'm proud of Carrrrrl! Damn I love Carol, but why not question any of them before you kill them? So the new doctor is the female Eugene, I love

spot on!

Julia P must really hate moms, the Salvatore mom and the Mikaelson mom both hate their kids.

Just when I thought I was out they pulled me back in!!!!! I didn't watch most of the episode, I skipped everything related to B613 and everything that didn't involve Olitz until the last 15 minutes. Cyrus' last scene was sooooo good. And I almost felt bad for Olivia when she had the breakdown over the Internet trolls,

It was alright.

I don't want to be rude but the internet is a great way on checking on the history of things. So I have copied that part of the Wikipedia page for the Vanessa Williams you are referring to: " Williams is most often referenced and publicly recognized simply as "Vanessa Williams". There is, however, occasional confusion

I want to thank Joshua for articulating so many things wrong with this show from the perspective of a Black person who cares about our history. There's an unwritten rule on social media that say Thou shalt not speak I'll of Empire but it's past time to say something. As a Black woman who tweeted #IfIDieInPoliceCustody

I agree on all points, except Morgan is always kinda creepy.