
Not a fan of Mindy semi-forcing Collette to come out. It should have been her decision. Also, Danny is really getting on my nerves. I don't have kids but I feel like if I was going to have one I'd spend part of the 9 months figuring out who would take care of the baby. Mindy is allowing this to happen but that doesn't

This is part of the reason why every network has at least one cop show.


This was a really good episode. I didn't read the comics, but I'm not sure how I feel about the other Flash. Omg!!!!! Vanessa Williams aka Maxine Chadway from Soul Food. Forget really good this is the best episode ever!

I'm going to have to see if I can find that show it sounds really good.

Thanks for the kind words. And thanks for reading between the lines of what I said and figuring out that I meant, "most social ills in America can be traced back to us watching more TV shows about police officers than shows about teachers." Its like you're in my head, you're so smart! I wish I could say you found out


Thanks for solving the great mystery of why there are no shows about teachers in America. It's because I didn't watch one show, wow I never knew I had so much power. But it makes me wonder why there are so many reality tv shows on since I don't watch any of those. If you have an answer please let me know.

Easily an A+. Wow I loved it, I felt every emotion during this episode. This show is soooooo good! Out of all the shows I watch this and Banshee are the only two where I love 90% or more of the characters. I can't deal with Petra but I can sympathize with her situation. I don't have anything positive to say about the

I couldn't have said it better myself. And when it comes to shows about teachers other countries have them and they do very well with audiences.

I agree 100%

Great point, with everything that's been exposed about cops in recent years I have grown to think that Hollywood's treatment of them is a part of the problem. We have zero shows about teachers and our society attacks them all the time. We have dozens of shows about cops that include corrupt cops, cops who shoot

IMO the group wouldn't have done well without Brian or AJ. But Nick was the one that brought in most of the teen girls so I think he was important too. I think they would have been fine without Howie D and Kevin (even though he was my favorite).

This is the only cop show I watch because all the rest make people think cops are just misunderstood. It was so refreshing having them admit that cops aren't perfect. Even if this never comes up again I appreciated it.

The stuff with Gina, Amy and the captain was really good. Everything else was REALLY bad. I like Boyle but only in small doses.

HD and black and white don't work well together during action sequences. Everything with Morgan and Eugene was great. The scenes in color were really good and I think it would have been an exciting mid-season finale, but now I wonder how many boring exposition episodes there will be this season. I also don't care AT

This is the most spot on review of Scandal and Mellie I've seen. Everything here reminds me why the last episode was my last episode. Thank you, I just wish those lazy ass writers could read this.

This show is a relic from the White is right era of the CW. I have had so many Internet arguments over their racial tonedeafness that I stopped watching for 2 seasons. But, since CW has improved in other shows and Bonnie is alive for a while I'm gonna let the rest slide, for now. Because at this point one living

Oh I see and you're right.

Every time I see Fitz acting like a love sick teenager all I can think is he has no business being in charge of ANYTHING let alone the whole country. If he doesn't want to do the job he could just quit and go to Vermont with Olivia. I'm so over him.