
The quote to be referencing Lucious pretty much prostituting his son, not incest.

I thought the same thing, why didn't she care whether or not her own kids ate?

Who knew the only thing worse than Elena is two mean girl witch/vampires, I hope they die soon. The Flash forwarding and constant diary writing (I get that it's the title of the show) needs to stop asap. But Bamon was so good tonight I don't care about anything else! I'm glad TVD is back.

I won't be watching next week, this week's episode was extremely bad. Shout out to Heather B!

What episode was that, because I honestly don't remember?

I thought he was going to suggest that, but Danny Dannied things up AGAIN!!!

Mindy us usually funny this was not funny. I'm not saying it wasn't a good episode just that it was upsetting. Upsetting because mothers fo face shame in the same ways Mindy did. How dare that guy tell her she can't feed her baby and then all those assholes agree with him. Without breast feeding the human race

This show sucks, but Fet is the man!

Zach is the devil, but if I had to pick Zack or Eph to die I'd pick Eph.

You're right! Based on the agreement I really didn't feel like Abraham owed the 300+ million since Eichorst had no money.

I agree with everything you said. It was really irritating that they killed off Nora and Coco, I liked both of them. Why did the only two people that died have to be half the living female population on the main cast? Not cool The Strain, not cool!

The good: the meat slaughtering room looked cool, Eichorst loosing in the auction, the train crashing, Abraham, Nora and Zack taking the picture, Abraham and Fet getting away in the sewer, the lady cop/politician wasn't in this episode and the group on the boat at the end. The bad: no one that deserved to die

I refuse to watch anything with M Cyrus so I skipped this episode. Thanks for the awesome review so at least now I know how the season started.

Google and Bing weren't invented to tell tv show viewers the secret intentions of writers, sigh. I repeat, It's funny how people on the Internet are so quick to say rude things to other people for no reason, but cool. I don't know the core concept of the show because it's poorly written and the characters motivations

It's funny how people on the Internet are so quick to say rude things to other people for no reason, but cool. I don't know the core concept of the show because it's poorly written and the characters motivations are constantly changing. But with fans like you why would they try to improve? You'll spew hateful venom at

Because Matt McGorry is the man and it's nice to have someone outside the loop trying to figure out out.

This episode was soooooo good. Anna and Eve's chemistry is on FIRE. Those rwo should work together more often because they are gold on camera. I'm glad the other characters are getting more time to develop, Frank made me laugh out loud when he said no to the sex. Michaela wasn't a wet blanket for once and it's nice to

No i don't, I only know what I've seen. Unless you're a writer for the show you don't know either.

Another great episode. I have no critiques, but I do think it's funny that we're supposed to think that after 17 years in prison Cookie has the skills to run a business. The world had changed a lot since the late 90s, it will be fun to watch how this plays out.

After the premiere I was not excited for this season at all. The only good thing about this episode was the last 15 seconds, throughout the entire episode I kept asking myself why I still watch this horrible show with these horrible people and that I didn't want to watch anymore. I'm really glad that Olivia finally