
I tried to watch the whole thing, I really did, but WOW! 15 minutes in I said I don't care and just turned it off. That damn futuristic ball when they were in the park was the worst thing I've seen on tv. Who thought this was a good idea?

Flashbacks: worse than last week. Zach: I'd rather see him than think he's doing something evil in the background that will destroy everyone. Fet: did he get a labotomy and turn into a dude in a romantic drama? Dutch: I felt horrible for her last week now I think she's a horrible selfish person. Eph & Nora: still

Two more comments. I feel like Mellie has spent most of her life crying over Fitz, which makes me hate him even more and really want her to grow a backbone. I like Sally aka Sarah Palin with more "religion". But I am soooo sick of the writers acting like a tv news host has any power to affect change. Every single day

As a Gladiator from season 1 I never thought I'd be saying this but, I don't care. Fitz and Olivia deserve each other. They are both selfish and self involved and ruin the lives of everyone around them. Mellie and Huck and others are suffering because of the actions of these horrible people and that irritates me. More

I really enjoyed this episode, even though I wasn't looking forward to it. This show has always been silly and had characters I didn't care about, but I think this episode turn things around. Viola Davis was the focus and for me that would the best part.

I agree with everything you said, the show did deserve awards for previous seasons, but I don't think it did for the last season.

Not on Game of Thrones or Scandal or half a dozen other shows. It's the writing not just the gender of the character who experiences the trauma.

True the only new shows I liked from last season were Empire and How To Get Away with Murder.

It was so good I couldn't even comment after I watched last night. After last season's finale I was worried that they had lost some of their greatness, but I am glad I was wrong. Jamal's pain at the end of the episode reminded me why this is the number 1 show on network tv. The acting is soooooooo good!

Wow this is shaping up to be a horrible pilot season.

That's a good point, too bad the show isn't very good and the chances of a season 2 seem unlikely.

I can't think any positive take aways from the pilot, except getting to see Wilmer Valderrama, lol. Not sure who target demo is but I think anyone would be unimpressed by this show. The acting was bad, the plot was VERY boring, the graphics were clearly the main focus during production and I really didn't enjoy them.

Not sure why it matters, the effect on Dutch would have the same. Also all rape is abuse.

Usually I'm the first one to say women should be empowered on shows to take care of themselves, but Dutch has held her own from the beginning and it was Eph's fault that she got taken so km glad team/ her new family helped her out. I'm also glad a show finally depicted a realistic reaction to the trauma she endured.

Great points. It's hard to imagine calling this exploitative when the same show that won a bunch of Emmy's tonight is the show that violates and exploits characters every week. And to your point I would have had a VERY different reaction if she has been sexually assulted.

People can be raped by things other than male genitalia.

I think he wanted to violate Dutch because he saw similarities between her and the Jewish woman in the flashback. But I'm honestly not sure because I skipped the flashbacks.

I'm very conflicted by this episode. As a huge horror fan, I loved the stuff with Dutch, I was worried for her the whole time and so glad when the coolest guy in NYC not named Qualin aka Fet saved her. But, as a Jew I'm extremely sick of the flashbacks, Eichorst is evil WE GET IT. The flashbacks added nothing to that

That's why I hated that movie, I can't feel anything positive for 2 kids that destroy the world.

Best review of this awful show I've seen so far!