
I cannot wait for Gnomes to return, best cartoon EVER. I'd also be cool with a Double Dare remake.

Best episode ever!! I'm so glad Mindy us back and her parents are awesome!!!!

I'd hope so, but now that it's cancelled The Strain stands alone.

I didn't hate this episode, but I also didn't care about the things that happened in it. They should remain the show "Stories of love during the vampire apocalypse". Everyone on this show is in love with someone or something. Abraham loves the book and his quest, Dutch loves EVERYONE ( why was she hitting on Eph?),

They're both horrible

People should mourn more than just the cop, a lot of people died that night. They all fought together they all deserve to be mourned.

When it comes to Coco the only thing that could surprise me would be if there's no twist.

I can agree Helix is a F, but even though Helix is worse than The Strain IMO they're both Fs. Yes the ratings are arbitrary. But, I've never been a fan of Del Toro's style when it comes to horror, so for me the gore is nothing special. I know others love it, bit it's not for me. I think when it comes down to it they

Key word "think", these people don't know how to think.

That would have been awesome, which is why he didn't say it. This show loves throwing out a plot point and then immediately ignoring it. Will we ever know the last name? Maybe

Let's be honest the whole show has been a F from the start. It's the perfect hate watch show, because it never fails to be stupid, illogical, over the top and random.

And yet those idiots were all celebrating like they had won the superbowl. You're right a bunch of people got killed and this is just the beginning. I didn't watch the preview but I'm sure next week Red Hook will be back to normal.

I really missed them this,week


I won't watch if he dies. And I really thought one of the worms was going to get him.

What just happened, is all I could ask myself during this crap fest. It felt like a movie/season finale and that's not a complement. Everything was rushed and even for this show there was no logic. Dutch and Fet deserve better than this pointless love triangle. Eph is the worst father in the world, he doesn't care

I don't like to Coen Bros so I refused to watch that movie. But I get what your saying. But I guess for both the movie and this show it paid off, because most people loved it.

I'm glad you and most other viewers enjoyed it. Personally I wanted the climax. And I have never really cared about Angela's character outside of her relationship with the others so this massive character change in the final hours wasn't for me. This show doesn't really need more antagonists, but hey maybe I'll change

Yes he does

The only thing I "liked" about the episode was the stinger at the end. It felt like they skipped an episode (I get that they did that on purpose so we wouldn't know what was going on). It also felt like the characters spent a whole lot of time doing nothing, everything that happened in the episode could have been