
I know I'm in the minority but, I really like this episode. I feel like this show consistently sucks but since last week it feels like they're starting to right the ship. I care about some of the characters and the plot actually seems to be going somewhere. That's a lot more than I can say for the beginning of the

I'm just going to say, I'm sad it's over and the finale was perfect.

I think yours was better than mine ;)

Don't forget Jackson. I miss Isaac :(

I would love for them to address the Derek thing but I won't hold my breath. I'm sure you're right about the Phoenix thing too and that just shows how pitiful the writing has become.

What a great review! "Holy Aryan nation", I laughed out loud!!!

I didn't read LaToya's review yet. These were my initial thoughts on the episode:
I'll start by saying that I couldn't be less excited about 5B. I really tried to go into this episode and be as objective as possible. But wow, they made it impossible. Not only did Liam hurt Melissa and Scott did nothing about it,

I don't get it either, people who watch zombie shows don't seem like the target demo for this show. It seems be geared towards people who want to see a family drama unfold. Those audiences rarely overlap. And as a member of the former I felt alienated by the pilot.

I will admit it, I like UnReal, but only because all those reality dating shows are the worst thing on tv and the show puts all the behind the scenes stuff on display. I'd give up UnReal if we had another "unauthorized" crap fest.

It was so bad it made tonight's episode of The Strain look good in comparison.


I felt basically the same way, but I also blame terrible cinematography for the outcome. When I posted my comment I also wanted to say it won't matter because this is going to be the next big thing. I won't be watching next week.

I feel like the drug addict guy is a grown up version of Zach aka the devil.

Every season has one great episode. Last season it was the convenience store episode, this season it's The Born. I'm in love with Quinlan, he's the best thing to happen to this show since Abraham. His introduction felt like I was watching Spartacus. Wow, some spider kids got killed FINALLY, Zach wasn't terrible, Eph

I'm 15 minutes in and if I wanted to watch family drama and high school i'd watch ABC Family. I hope the show improves.
25 minutes in the dumb stepdad goes to the church on the middle of the night because the addict isn't sure if he had a bad dream or not. Still only one zombie. This reminds me of every drama set in

There was nothing good about this movie. But it did remind me how awful laugh tracks are, someone laughed every minute. This was the happiest group of people ever, instead of "unauthorized" they should have called it "unbelievable and unauthorized". Lifetime should be canceled.

Soooooo good! It was everything I wanted all season. I knew Mr. Robot wasn't real but, the opening flashback was what I'd been waiting on. It was nice seeing dad Robot not be an asshole for once. It was a really sad episode in a lot of ways but I think it was also a sort of refresh for the series. It's been all about

I agree luke333, I'm not going to be entertained by waiting an entire half season to find out a meaningful detail about the season's main villians. This is a tv show not a movie. They should give the audience a reason to be scared, "random" killings don't take a show very far for very long.

Worst episode of the series. Every character behaved uncharacteristically. Stiles' hostility towards Scott was only there to be convenient for the plot, never once did he attempt to give Scott details on what happened. Why was Lydia's mom so rude to Malia? Her attitude was just there to set up conflict in a future

There were so few good things about this episode, but I like anything with Gus and the Black Ops vamp is cool. The gross stuff was by far the worst part, all the close ups of puss made me want to turn it off and then came cheater Eph, why does he exist? That lady is raising g your kid and you're off screwing random