
Yeah but guns aren't perfect, she could have missed or shot the kid and they'd both be dead. I think she made the smart choice.

Molly and Reba are the smartest women ever on this show. Both of th were awesome this week.

I am speechless, those reveals were better than Fight Club. What just happened, OMG! I can't even critique the boring stuff in the episode because the entire show changed in that last 10 minutes. It's amazing how every week this show goes out with the biggest bang! A+!!!!!

I read the review after I posted my rant and just want to say I agree with LaToya 100%.

I waited two days to watch that because I couldn't bring myself to care. Now that I have watched all I can think of is what the hell did I just see and why. Why did everybody hug Theo? Why did Kira just decide to leave and Scott not say anything before she left? Why was Scott's Mom so mad at Styles's dad? What

Everything except the opening was boring. Until it became clear that Mr. Robot is real (or Eliott is Mr. Robot). Then I realized the show is more like "American Psycho" after Wellick killed that lady than it is like "Fight Club". The stuff with the therapist was good too.

It seems I'm in the minority this week, but I thought the episode was really good. Before I say what's good I want to cover the bad. The dredd doctors are dredful because every time I hear their stupid sound effects I dredd what's about to happen on screen. They're not scary and never will be. Also, there are way too

Sorry about the misspelling, I usually type these things on my phone and I end up typing too fast and sometimes I miss things before I post :(

While watching this episode I thought it was the best of the season, until the last 30 seconds. I didn't like the opening (it was too long) and the closing was irritating. The vampire mother and her damn kids crawling or whatever that is and making those horrible noises is the worst part of every episode they're in.

I've been VERY hard on this season and the only episode I've liked so far was the second, but I'm giving this an A-. Not because the episode was nearly perfect, many of the flaws that plagued early episodes are still there. But, it seems like the writers are trying to do better, lacrosse is sorta back, all the

This was the only show I hate watched and then I saw Wayward Pines and realized this show wasn't that bad. But, then I watched tonight and saw them use 9/11 as a backstory prop, 2 cops get themselves killed for no reason, the devil's spawn Zach aka Carl 2.0 run away, Statan Island be the shining beacon of hope, made

I get that this is a cautionary tale, but all of the plot holes make it impossible to be invested in the conclusion. It's sad that 5 minutes after people find put the truth most of them got murdered. It's also amazing that Pam and the survivors allowed a group of crazy kids to take over. Exactly how did they get out

I wonder if I'm the only one hoping they all die. Ethan being angry at people who are fed up being imprisoned is a joke. If everyone had been told like he and the kids were there would be no problem. The whole point of this town was the keep civilization alive, it turns out it's the people not the mutants that

No amount of crates should save 2 kids who are standing next to a bomb and get thrown out of the truck, the impact alone could have killed them. The HUGE secret isn't helping anyone and all of these smiling liars are really getting on my nerves. A show with one character like Amy or the nurse or teacher or David would

That is the worst part for me, why even have the kids in the truck if nothing was going to happen to them. So stupid!

Every time Melissa Leo comes on the screen I groan, one minute she's the most evil person in town, the next she's the friendly neighborhood nurse. The teacher is even worse though, she might be the most self righteous one on the show. SMH! But David may be the most poorly written character on the show, just because

I'm way late to watching this show. I'm really confused why the ratings for the past 6 episodes have been so high. It seems like it peaked at episode one and has been going down hill ever since. With each new reveal there are more questions, the show seems less believable and less engaging with each passing minute. If

Apology accepted

Thanks for telling me how to watch tv, without your insight I wouldn't know how to get out of bed in the morning. Thank you so much!

His name is Robert Paulsen, aka Bill Harper, poor Bill. Elliot and Shayla are such great characters, but the others aren't very interesting. Mr. Robot is obnoxious and still not real, the show would be a lot better without him.