
Haha, but I'm pretty sure he is because they're moving onto the Red Dragon storyline. And since it's cancelled it's not like he can come back next season.

As much as I dislike it I know I'll be watching again next week too :(

Message to Teen Wolf writers, emotion is NOT conveyed by constant heavy breathing. Please do not repeat this mistake. Also saying the phrase "the dredd doctors" isn't scary, repeating doesn't make it anymore scary. And why retcon the desert wolf story? To the cinematographer please less extreme close ups, I don't need

I said something similar those characters are great, the others are unbearable, but Zach is the spawn of Satan.

I thought I was the only one, I can't stand all those sounds and that crawling. Is it supposed to be scary, weird or funny? I have no idea.


This show is almost as bad as that damn kid. The monsters (I'm done calling them vampires) are just as weird as everything else Del Toro does, I'm not a fan. If ANY other shows came on on Sunday this would have no chance. It's horrible and I'm not sure why I keep watching.

I'm sooooo glad Mason's dead. His cruelty knew no ends.

Like I say every week and others have said, Mr. Robot isn't real. I feel like the show that we were promised in the first episode isn't what we got, I'm not sure yet whether or not that's a negative critique.

I've always given this show a pass and I didn't hate this episode, but I do hate where this season is going. The teenage eye candy never worked for me because I'm not teen, but when I was I always liked shows with teens and older characters. But now the only older characters are the parents, they keep introducing

Right Palmer is like a grown up version of Zach, they're both Losers who need to die. It will be fun to watch Eichorst destroy him.

What type of grandmother tells a story like that? Seriously, if I was a kid and heard that story id never sleep again! This show is not now nor has it ever been good and since I sat through every WTF episode last season I'm not giving up now but come on writers and costume designers and the CGI team, please do better.

I hope he's real, but I just don't see how he could be based on what we've seen so far. but I hope I'm wrong.

Mr. Robot is not real! This is Fight Club set in present day, using current technology. And it's also an amazing show, the minute I saw Justin Taylor from my all time favor show "QaF" a.k.a. Gideon's husband, I knew this was my favorite episode.

Before this season I wasn't a fan of Eva Green, but now I get why people love her. I feel so bad for Vanessa, but her strength is beautiful. Also, Dorian and Lily dancing together while they bleed out perfectly paralleled Vanessa's dream at the party.

Well that episode was disappointing.

I hate this fight between Sophie and Gloria, i love them both.

Spending the episode with flashbacks of Leanne made me hate her even more than I did before, does she have any redeeming qualities? Piper isn't much better. Everyone's life is pretty miserable including the guards, but Queen Piper is always on top.

I'd like to personally thank D&D for making it so easy to never watch or think about this show after tonight. After all the female exploitation/assults/torture we dealt with during this season they finished it with a minutes long walk of shame. All of those city people could be where she was, everyone sins. They

Good episode, big Boi is awesome.