
Every week I like Eva Green more, I really liked this episode.

I agree it didn't make any sense that none of them cared that the whole world could be destroyed or that they would all cease to exist. I get that Barry wants his mom back, but she's been dead for years. Why should they all give up their lives for her?

Yeah I know the Jag guy rescued him, but what happened to him after that? Rowen said he killed everyone that knew what he looked like, do did he kill Russell too? I hope so.

I was also wondering what happened to Russell, did he die and I missed it?

I've hated almost every episode since Olivia got kidnapped, but I didn't hate this one. I'm no longer emotionally invested so I was ok with everything that happened. Mellie is unfit for office so I'm glad Fitz won't help her be President. Cyrus is crazy and evil and needs to be held accountable for his actions. Jake

I agree 100% about the Mellie character. She was one of my favorites and now I hate every scene she's in. What type of strong woman who was raped in the past, not only doesn't call out her husband's in action but cries on his damn shoulder because Lizzy was trying to do her job. It's not Lizzy's fault that Mellie

I completely agree. At this point all they care about is fantasy wish fulfillment. Nothing is realistic so it's hard to about what happens. In the real world Ensign Martin's career would be over. She would't be thanking Olivia because Olivia didn't really help her. This was all about getting a platform for Mellie to

I agree with Joshua. I am so over these lazy plots and stupid characters. The story of the week was one of the most unrealistic things I've seen on tv. If the writers know nothing about military policy or how laws get changed, maybe they shouldn't tell stories about 2 women coming in to save a rape victim and Mellie

I agree with the reviewer, Dylan does not need to be there. Honestly for most of the episode I thought she was a hallucination. She is so damn boring and I do t care AT ALL about her problems. But im sure Norman is going to kill her. At this point the stuff with Dillion is my favorite part of the show.

What the F was that, it wasn't funny and it was pretty racially offense. Almost every character Ms. Henson played was a stereotype of the loud, church going, angry, Black woman. Not cool SNL and not cool Taraji P Henson.

With lines like, “The wi-fi password is ‘mother’—all caps” it's impossible not to love this show. And at the end if I were Norma I would have done a lot worse than pack my stuff, throw something at the mirror and leave. Norman how could you betray her like that?

I agree, I understand the need for a break up from a writing stand point. But that was a HUGE moment and Sammie coming in ruined it.

I feel the same way as pretty much everyone else, this finale was awful. I didn't hate the season until it was all over. Lip used to be one of my favorite character ls now he's a loser and a user. I haveno cared about Fi since the Liam cocaine incident, but this season I was proud of her for getting rid of that devil

Your comments were spot on. I mainly watch for Ian/Mikey that break up was BS.

The reviewer was spot on this week.There were a lot of highlights on this episode. That rat hung in there just like the Gallaghers always do. Svet was awesome, she understands the world in a way most people try not to and that's very refreshing. I can't blame Kev for his actions and I can't be mad at V either. They

I really want Richie and Patrick to be together. And I just LOVE Eddie, he is the second best character behind Richie. This show gets better every week. I hope HBO doesn't cancel it.

Another good point. All gay men don't date women and all female friends of gay men haven't dated gay men. But tv is tv and sadly it takes a while to change tv stereotypes.

This episode was pretty boring and the constant killing of animals is
getting REALLY old. It also makes me wonder if other animals turn into
to zombies when they die in this world like humans do. If not why not,
humans are animals too. But anyway, I like the stuff that this episode
set up, Carol is the mastermind and

Good point, I think Hollywood writes that extra female character in there to make straight people feel more comfortable. I think that trend is outdated. But I don't make tv shows, lol.

I agree on both points.