Alexander Dyle

Well that's the thing, and I think it points to a broader trend in that expertise has become politicised. It's hard to be an 'expert' on something when half the country is automatically going to ignore what you say because you have the wrong political views (even if you're right). Which leads, as someone pointed out

That's actually a ChatRoulette screenshot.

As a fifth-year grad student let me say that the ability to name-drop theorists is much more important than the ability to actually understand them. If you can do it convincingly enough, no one will say anything even if you're wrong because they'll be secretly worried you might actually be right. That feeling of

"Fulton first used instrumented dummies as he prepared for a live pickup. He next used a pig, as pigs have nervous systems close to humans. Lifted off the ground, the pig began to spin as it flew through the air at 125 mph (200 km/h). It arrived on board uninjured but in a disoriented state. Once it recovered, it

He has a thing for butt stuff.


This sounds pretty much the same as a terrible New Zealand show called The Strip, which starred one of the orcs from Lord of the Rings and one of the elves from The Hobbit.

"Had I wanted my family to see a hooker perform a live sex show, I would have taken her to Tijuana."

It's in character for Marge. And more importantly, without it we wouldn't get Homer's hilarious "and how!"

So Charlie Sheen's three for three in playing sitcom characters named "Charlie"? Points for consistency, I guess.

So Charlie Sheen's three for three in playing sitcom characters named "Charlie"? Points for consistency, I guess.

Taken 2: The Bank. The Blood Bank.

Taken 2: The Bank. The Blood Bank.

Is it me or has Skrillex got hotter?

Is it me or has Skrillex got hotter?

Boy, I hope someone got fired for that blunder.

Boy, I hope someone got fired for that blunder.

The Schrodinger movie's stuck in development hell. At this point nobody knows if it's alive or dead.

The Schrodinger movie's stuck in development hell. At this point nobody knows if it's alive or dead.

Life goal: to be able to start anecdotes with "I write about this in my memoir…"