
The Finder sounds like the name of a fake tv show that someone would make up to make fun of the shows on TNT.

Traffic Light was good. It's actually surprising how better it got based on that awful pilot.

Abbies Dad got locked in a room that was playing an EPK for Tron Legacy on an unending loop.

That does seem pretty insane for them to turn down a free guest appearance from one of the biggest movie stars in the world.

I say advantage Hearst.

Ferrell's Impression
Is it just me or is he actually getting better at doing W?

I feel sorry…
…for the writer/director, who apparently spent like 20 years trying to get this film made, his passion project, only for it to turn out to be an utter piece of shit by all accounts.

That article sickens me a little that biased muck racking blogging like that is what passes as entertainment journalism these days.

Adventure Time and Regular Show were both supposed to be for Adult Swim originally, but they realized they were PG and not R and could stick them in primetime instead of at 2 am.

Comparing D-Box seats to Castle's Tingler chair is like comparing an XBox 360 with one of those shitty handheld games from Tiger with the painted on backgrounds.

For the Man Who Has Everything was used for a Justice League episode.

@Billy and the Cloneasaurus - Hi, I guess I am a fucktard because I love a movie you don't. Therefore I MUST dumb and probably a racist to boot.

They just all fucking loved this movie!

The only time I dislike River is when they try too hard to sell her as bad ass.
Like the shooting of the Stetson. It should have been accompanied by a "WAH WAH".

If that ship is the same type as the one from The Lodger, it would make sense.
Both the Lodger ship and these aliens hide by staying just outside perception.

I will fight anyone who says Trial of the Time Lord is bad. Because that is a great injustice.

I found that opening narration so annoying that I stopped watching and got the BBC One version. The BBC One version doesn't have it, but does has a "In Memory of Elizabeth Sladen" before the show.

You are……NOT the father!

It's not child abuse if you beat them with a handbag.

I don't think Perry is some magical equation in explaining the success of his films.