
Did anyone else notice that Paul's "wife" looks remarkably like a brunette Cheryl Hines?

It's fucking awful
That's why.

It absolutely makes Spurlock a bad filmmaker. It's not just that he doesn't have journalistic ethics or a responsibility to inform/safeguard…it's that HE PRETENDS HE DOES and then just makes yet another fucking movie about himself.

He's very subdued for most of The Green Hornet, I thought it was an interesting performance…but then his character goes crazy (I think that was the point?) and it just becomes weird and strange.

@El Santo….Ahh…valid assertion, broheim…I had completely forgotten about Grodd.

That makes it all the funnier to me, Bender…

You people are out of your ever loving minds.

I believe the original artist also made some cash on the side churning out S&M comics.

I'll agree with you on Voyage of the Damned being an abomination and that Planet of the Damned wasn't that bad, haysoos…but Ryan's companion was awful and annoying

Wonder Woman's rogue gallery isn't nearly as lame as The Flash's. At least she has some cool Gods mixed in with Cheetah and the other lame-os.

@Mudi-B - I don't know about that. I'm pretty sure I could take Roger Moore down without too much effort.

I actually ditched my monitor a few days ago because I was spending so much time with my comp hooked up to my tv instead of my monitor.

I will fight you Noel Murray.

Body Jumping + Time Alteration
As described that sounds like a kick ass mechanic.

for some stupid reason (it's late and bunny is high) I've decided to clarify this again here where no one will read it.

Is it the planet Mondas?

The only "push present" I'd give to someone I knocked up would be a push down a steep flight of stairs.

Only if the fear stems from the idea that someone might think you are part of the Village People.

"more interesting to look at"

I know every time it's brought up the argument is "the letter grades are arbitrary", but can you either get SOME consistency to the grading amongst the reviewers or just throw out the letter grades again?