
You should read the one on Hitfix. It's a nice companion piece…of hate.

They were open, but they had some hideous CGI deadeye effect going on. Hideous in that it was both gross looking and looked pretty fake. Might not have been visible unless you watch it in HD, but her eyes go from normal looking unconscious possibly dead eyes when she's first down and then they cutaway…and when they

Was trying to answer Olivececile's question, but it won't let me reply, only like.

I thought she sounded disturbingly like Mya Rudolph's hooker character.

Playing Pretty Woman over the end really kept it from delving too far into dark and made me think that both that plot and the "wacky fake date" plot were them making fun of Romantic Comedy cliches.

When Dennis faints he says something like, "Stop saying Diabittis you sound like…" and it sounds like he was starting to say old man.

Whenever they are in a room together, shit starts flying.

Pretty much. I was suprised that I liked Grandma's Boy, but I'm certainly not going to use it as a barometer for judging comedies.

I thought he was the best part of Grandma's Boy…which is the only Happy Madison movie aside from Happy Gilmore that I will watch voluntarily.

I'm still not sure what happened there. IIRC it was before he was even cast in Fright Night and it was a last minute thing. There was speculation at the time that it was because he was either up for a role in The Hobbit or that the pilot he shot for NBC (Rex is Not Your Lawyer) was getting picked up and going into

But you cannot look at original AS and AS now and say they are the same. Now it's all bad Tim and Eric knock offs or completely broad on-the-nose parodies of very specific genres of "bad" tv that are not and have not been considered relevant for like 10 years…5 for Grey's Anatomy. Or reruns of Family Guy and American

If you want funny original animation, you're better off sticking to the PG stuff CN has been airing.

Log out, log back in as old you.

I have it on good authority that all you have to do to get a show picked up on Adult Swim is to ply the exec in charge with coke and strippers.

Didn't care for it. Thought it was largely toothless even with the gallows humor. And the gallows humor is largely bloodless itself, which makes the movie kind of like being gummed. It's "safe" black humor and not that funny.

Without space exploration we wouldn't have Tang.


That's the "monster" that Murray was referring to in the review. Although "monster" is not the word I would have chosen, it's hard to really describe it without either ruining part of the mystery or vividly describing the fight sequence in detail, so "monster" works.

1 - No comment, but I vehemently disagree with Noel that it is like Hark's older films. It's not.

This movie is fucking awesome. Full stop.