
Being a dude and being afraid of being sexually assaulted isn't "gay panic".

The best part of Invader Zim is the career day episode when they are panning around the hall showing all the other kids and there is some psychopath in a prison uniform showing a kid the best way to strangle someone.

It's like a fever dream. It has a frantic, sweaty, churning in the sheets quality to it.

There's a disturbing amount of animal cruelty in Inferno, but god help me it's so balls out crazy that I love it all the same.

Fan Service is pandering to fans.

The things you say…

This would totally be my thing if Snyder wasn't trying to sell it as an empowering feminist grrlpowa! film.

@Rockrocky77 - You would win that bet. In Movieline's sycophantic interview* with him, he says he's already prepping a Director's Cut.

I give him props for taking a chance on risky stuff and basically being the antithesis of the rest of the Fox/News Corp family…

This is why I say the marketing did the show in.

Plus, I was playing devil's advocate (as I said) about the vaccine stuff. I don't believe it causes autism.

"Using your logic about theories and the scientific method, it is implied that you support teaching multiple views of evolution in public school (while we're at it we should teach the kids about Yoruba creation myths and/or that we actually live on Midgard). "

I liked Terriers, but I think the people who are still bringing it up at this point like it for the show it COULD have been and not the one it was.

Put me in the "I don't see what they could do in a second season" camp.

Amen McGillicuddy…

Yeah, I knew this was coming. I talked it up to people, but none of them wanted to take a chance on a show about boxing.

Don't you mean "yawping"?

He had a key in his stomach at the time I believe.

See now though…this is the problem I have with modern science.

@Agreed - If you'd read Stallone's hideous Poe script, you'd be satisfied with the "Poe/CSI/Sherlock Holmes shit". It is offensive to call that script a biography. The "libel disguised as biography" that that shithead Rufus Griswold put out to smear the guy after his death is more accurate.