
But it would be authentic!



Houdini and Doyle crime fighters!
If the shows were authentic, Doyle would believe that all the "mystical crimes" were committed by people with magical powers.

He didn't hate magic. He hated scam artists. The whole debunking thing started after his mother died and a psychic claimed to reach her, only to have her respond to Harry in English…a language she had never learned.

Brooks had "I'll Do Anything" though. That was pretty infamous in it's day for going massively overbudget and being completely reconceived in the middle of the shoot. And it REALLY bombed.

Ah ha! I was right. Trion did put out Rift.

Chryso is absolutely right. Especially when you consider that WoW didn't become the juggernaut that it was until it's 1st expansion. It was big in Vanilla, no doubt…but it wasn't a cultural phenomenon until Burning Crusade when it had already been around for 2 years.

@ Dijonase - At the end of Dario Argento's Opera, (notaspoiler) the heroine just walks off into a field and starts talking to a lizard. The actual end of the movie was still occuring, but it's like she just loses it and goes "La la la…How are you Mr. Lizard!" I think that's verbatim, too…

Monsters makes Cloverfield look like Citizen Kane.

Just think how many Golden Globes it would have won if Sam Worthington hadn't dropped out!

@kthejoker - I seem to remember hearing that Brooks didn't try to haggle with any of his cast over salary. Whatever their agents asked for…they got. Which explains why Owen Wilson got paid over 3 times as much as the much more bankable Paul Rudd.

I'm convinced that Morning Glory shot itself in the foot with those shitty posters that tried to ape Social Network and if they'd put out decent non-shitty posters it would've done better.

Oh also Dexter. Last season after about episode 3 or 4 I just started fastforwarding through any scene that didn't contain Dexter, Julia Stiles, or Jonny Lee Miller.

I fastforwarded through most of that Dragonball live action movie. I rented it specifically to watch a shitty movie with bad CGI…instead I got like 10 minutes of fighting and an hour of teen angst/romance and fart jokes.

Passion of the Christ is the only R rated to break 300 mill, I meant.

Yeah, I agree HatchetJob. $70 purely for production for a rom-com is INSANE. At least with Town & Country they had the excuse that it took 3 years to shoot.

I'm more fun than 20 barrels of capuchins, mutha fucka.

The Hughes Brothers are awful…
From Hell was fucking painful and Book of Eli was nearly as bad.

He's only 33?!