
Traffic Light IS good. I'm really glad I gave that show a shot.

Hey remember that AV club blog about "The New Sincerity" and how irony was passe and played out? How Earnestness was THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE!

I just feel like I've SEEN this already like 100 times.

In all seriousness, I would have paid cash money to watch Tom Cruise in Del Toro's Mountain of Madness. I was quite sad that got cancelled, even if I understood why.

Is it "The Daily Rah Rah Feminism Show with Samantha Bee and Kristen Schall"?

It wouldn't have sounded gay if you had just owned that shit instead of asking if it sounded gay.

I refused to watch any episode after the pilot.

Why are people indulging Chris Brown's argument by talking about Charlie Sheen?

People love Charlie Sheen for the same reason they love NASCAR.

That documentary on The Shining DVD infers pretty heavily that Duvall was whacked out of her mind on coke much to the consternation of Kubrick and Nicholson.

@Joe Kickass - I don't know your threshold, but you'd probably be okay with Audition. It isn't anything like Miike's crazy-balls-to-the-wall stuff like Ichi or Visitor Q. It's a total slow burn and REALLY FUCKING GOOD.

Would Children's Hour be a Dyke-y Dead Poets' Society?

@ Emperor Jim - Have you seen "CSA: The Confederate States of America"?

Did he talk about Candlejack? They say when you talk abou

You can't pay me enough to click on that link because I know it's gonna be hentai or mpreg or something equally fucked up.

@Great Unwashed - I said it just the other day in the Verbinski newswire post. Because it's true.


You know what annoys me more than that myth?
…the one about only using X% of our brain. When people conflate the idea of "We can only ACCESS X% of our brain" with "We only USE X% of our brain" and then act like there's a "myth" that says the 80-90% of our brain goes completely unused and is just sitting up there

You forgot to don your sunglass and punctuate with a scream, Flaubert.

That didn't stop David Fincher from signing on to direct The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo…