Porpoise Crispy

RE: No payoff

Yep, you're all over that recording. You've must've been standing (& drinking) right behind the mike that night.

I unfortunately agree that Miles appears most gallery-ready in that he seems to have the best grasp of how to create and present his work for the contemporary gallery context.

Even Satchmo himself lived and died in NYC.

For the briefest moment, my instant (and incredibly dense) reaction was "How the hell did Daymo fake his own death?!" Nonlinear storytelling threw me for a loop.

Frailty is a very flawed movie but at least had an interesting premise and I didn't mind the twist of: (SPOILER) the murders actually being justified/divinely inspired not the result of delusions.

FOX Sports boob Chris Myers was actually a sportscaster in NO for a while (amongst other places) before getting to the network level and he's married to an NO native. I've met him and he's an OK guy - bit of a one-topic conversationalist (sports, naturally), but definitely not a racist.

my girlfriend's comment: Saul's gallows humor never gets so much as a smile from anybody onscreen.

Out of character?
Is Gustavo Fring getting sloppy or taking calculated risks? When his character was introduced last season, we were lead to believe that he is always meticulously cautious.

Completely agree about the previews spoiling (or at least diminishing) the outcome of this episode's ending.

maybe it's because classic rock radio has picked their catalogue clean, but Hey Bulldog is my go-to semi-obscure Beatles cut. (or as obscure as a song by the most celebrated band of all time can be.)

Please- I believe Hispanic American is the preferred nomenclature.

1. No, it wasn't Hank's former partner, Steve Gomez that got axed by the Cousins.

Not that it isn't a pretty funny and fitting reference, but you do realize you're referencing pop culture to illustrate the vapidity of people (like me and Dumbledore's sister's best friend) who's only frame of reference is pop culture.

My theory about Mike the Cleaner is that he's an ex-cop or former DEA who got jaded by the futility of the drug war and decided he may as well profit from it.

re: #2. Nico's blowjob notwithstanding.

Why are the Velvets considered cooler than the Doors?

I also got a Jacob's cabin vibe from Widmor's double-generator-temporal-consciousness-shifter shack.

While it doesn't excuse Patch Adams & his other heinous cinematic crimes, I'm a fan of T. S. Garp.