Porpoise Crispy

That's not how I saw that scene. He's not a dirty old man stalking playgrounds. That's his granddaughter - she can be heard asking her "Pop Pop" or "PaPa" for ice cream money.

Even with just a few lines, the actor playing the parents' lawyer conveyed utter contempt for Saul - like he couldn't stand to be in the same room with this disgrace to his profession.

I heard you have a compilation of every good song ever done by anybody.

Or maybe he's trademarked the phrase, like the "LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLETM" announcer and gets paid to shout it at conventions and license it to porn producers.

I saw this in the theater with an ex whose taste in movies ran towards rom-coms and action flicks. When we left, she was glassy-eyed and shivering.

That's not how you palindrome, Sheltie.

that boggles the architecture of my mind.

At the inception of this Inception trailer…
Did I just have to watch another trailer before watching the featured trailer?

Mister Frost
After seeing Mr. Frost on cable years ago, I too remembered the opening scene in which Jeff Goldblum casually admits to a police officer that he's buried the bodies of missing children in his yard after torturing them to death as such an oddly mesmerizing exchange.

Ha! Cisco. Haven't thought about that crap since I was eighteen.

I've never seen 25th Hour but as far as it being about or referencing 9/11, I think it was the first major fictional film to conspicuously feature shots and references to the attacks at a time when most studios were rushing to remove even background shots of the WTC from their movies in a well-meaning but pointless…

When it became clear that Jane's dad (why's everyone call him Q, anyway?) is an air traffic controller and would cause a crash, I was reminded of the movie, Magnolia.

I don't think the body bags being filled by Walt Jr. and Skyler is such a ridiculous prospect.

Like I posted above in response to the perfect crime (or perfectly-timed passive inaction), I don't think it would benefit the show to veer into an investigative cop show: CSI: ABQ.

Jane's death would seem like a cut and dry OD case but Walt's fingerprints are on both the broken door's lock and the syringe which he threw down in disgust. Though he probably doesn't have a police record (yet), as a teacher, his prints would already be on file.

That seems like a more feasible theory after seeing the previews from next week's episode.

How can you gush about Blood on the Tracks and then dust off that tedious old "Dylan can't sing" chestnut in the same sentence? Black magic.

I think Walt's always been a little tired of playing mild-mannered science nerd to brother-in-law Hank's macho bluster.

Blue Crystals
I enjoyed the opening shot of the party scene: a close-up of bluish crystals that turned out to be salt for Hank's margaritas.

So was that a corrido song? And if so, do their lyrics often address current events? If so, it might conceivably exist in the show's universe.