Porpoise Crispy

Yeah, exploding severed head tortoise bombs are a whole other level. Hank's in the big leagues now. (So are Walt & Jesse for that matter.)

I agree with (sometimes) weird part, but not dickish. All of the opinions he offered seemed considered and sincere. Even though some of them are peculiar, he does his best to justify them and doesn't come off as aloof or dickish about them.

Alright, so lemme try to explain my opinion again and then I'll drop it.

As far as not being into the show, I've watched every episode, visited Lostpedia and I'm discussing the show online after midnight, ferchristsakes.

I think it's pretty clear from my post that I'm not here to troll.

I actually did laugh when little Alex was saying "higher Daddy higher" because it reminded me of when Bart told Homer that he was faking it during their swing set sessions.

Yeah, I understand what you mean and I'm not calling you out specifically. Not equating it with an ethnic slur either, but it just seems reductive and overused.

Wow, that montage of Ben's reckoning by the smoke monster was laughably bad. Visually, it just didn't work for me. I wish that they'd limited his encounter to just Alex's manifestation. That's supernatural enough and doesn't require corny CGI.

I find the endless hipster douchebag debates on these boards to be tedious. I don't mean you're all a bunch of hipster douchbags. I mean the back and forth about who's a hipster, what constitutes hipster behavior, which bands are only liked by hipsters or liked by hipsters for the wrong reasons.

Actually the whole song is pretty much spoken word except for the chorus which is great enough to redeem the redneck caricature.

Poker Varieties Farmer John Sausages brings you John Corneil asking the musical question:
Do You Know How It Feels To Be Lonesome? (Take 21)

I don't think the Byrds' cover of The Christian Life sounds smug or condescending, but I've never heard the original. I've always thought the Louvin Brothers were the very definition of fire-and-brimstone righteousness, so any cover is bound to sound less sincere

Paul Simon's song, Loves Me Like a Rock has the lyric, "I'm a consecrated man." As a kid I sang it as "I'm a constipated man."

I meant IF so…

Adult Ben's look of fear and surprise at seeing the resurrected Locke was noteworthy, since he usually seems to know what to expect next.

Zodiac doing a little fact checking.

Yeah in the age of digital music, random shuffle has become default mode for many listeners.

That little jam session in the breakfast nook reminded me of Dirk Diggler and Chest Rockwell's demos.

Jesse kinda got it worse this time being broke, homeless and covered in shit. But this episode showed both characters experiencing a kind of parallel arc. Simultaneous outbursts on the phone and then rejection/lack of emotional support by their families until finally they collide with each other for catharsis.

Mr. White vs. Mr. Pink(man)
Walt and Jesse were going at each other in the RV like Keitel and Buscemi.