Porpoise Crispy

TOTAL bullshit. Saints fans aren't bandwagon jumpers. In fact they pushed that broken-down wagon up a hill for decades before even sniffing any success or glory.

Agreed, flashback Gus seems much too deferential to authority and lacking in the calculated, cold-bloodedness he's displayed years later.

So was "Gustavo Fring" a member of Pinochet's military death squads in Chile?

Yeah this question in general, and on an anonymous internet comment board in particular, has the potential to turn mean-spirited.

Ruth Gordon in "Harold & Maude" is an obvious example, but the unconventionality of their age difference is the whole point. Kinda the exception that proves the rule.

On this particular list, it seems like the only cases (Jodie Foster/Amy Poehler), are mentioned not so much for their lack of physical appeal, but lack of overall chemistry with their costars.

Puberty Favorite
This is an excellent article. I am, in fact, one of that generation of viewers who first encountered Breathless as a piece of oft-programmed, nudity-filled, late-night cable fare. I didn't see the original until I was in my twenties. And while I realize Godard's is a cinematic touchstone, my

He went into a little routine about how old married couples are "running out the clock" on their marriage (and life) by purposely finding ways to spend time apart.

Yeah, I grew up in Louisiana and heard them called that. Also popped up from time to time in the "eenie meenie miney mo" nursery rhyme.

Maybe it's an "interesting lens" for some but it strikes me as just a weak pretense to garner debate in the comments.

There's an SNL skit featuring the original cast as superheros at cocktail party. Belushi as the Hulk, Bill Murray as Superman, etc.

But I forgot about Jesse's fledgling distribution efforts and embrace of his own dark side.

I think those barrels contain the crucial precursor chemical for Walt's process. During an extended sequence last season, Mike rescued the corrupt Chinese owner of a warehouse full of it from cartel thugs.

Just speculation, but based on the previews it would seem that Walt is going to try to turn Mike against Gus.

Louis C.K.'s Last Chance NSFW
I hadn't seen this video until today. Works as both a sample of what to expect from the show and as a literal promo.

Semi-related question
There's a commercial for Hornitos tequila that ran a couple of times during this broadcast. It featured a guy at his school reunion getting hit on by a MILFy brunette who turns out to have been his teacher. Kinda positioning Hornitos as the AXE body-spray of tequilas.

I feel like Jonze, Kaufman and especially Gondrey have all on occasion followed their own particular muses to the point of self-indulgence on a few films they've helmed. (Wild Things, Synecdoche, Science of Sleep, Be Kind/Rewind)

meant "noble" failure as in honorable, not "Nobel" failure as in unfairly overlooked by the committee.

Not so sure Where the Wild Things Are qualifies as a success. Nobel failure or maybe just ambitious effort sagging from the weight of its own portentousness.

Wouldn't be the first time that sarcasm's been taken at face value. At least this time I get a development deal from cable execs.