Dog Me

Wait, we're not supposed to be happy when we win "The Longest Day"? Should we be cheering for the Germans?

The draft is less reprehensible that asking other people to fight wars for you. That was why the Bush Administration was able to sell the Iraq war. The great American middle class knew only poor people would have to fight it.

I did too. It was funny.

Good point. It's not like Miss Bunting is bringing a red flag into Downton.

Wallace hated the hell out of this movie.

I did, for one. Co-lead with Pacino.

This has been brought up before in these forums, but there are a million English men dead in France and Belgium. The marriage market definitely would have been more favorable to men. And it's unrealistic that Lady Mary—older now, widowed, without a massive fortune of her own since it's all going to George, and let's

Tom should have been written off two seasons ago. He and Sybil could have gone off to live in Ireland or America, and we wouldn't have had all that nonsense about Sybil dying or Tom now being stuck in Downton.

Think it's pretty well established that the Nazis murdered him.

Calling Brendan Coyle repulsive is pretty stupid. You may not like the character of Bates, lots of people don't, but saying Coyle the actor is repulsive is just dumb.

I miss the TWoP recaps. Hadn't posted there in a while, wanted to go there to tell them I'd been ban evading for years but I couldn't remember my username. Still read the recaps, though.

They're never serious about marital conflict. Robert's idiot blundering wound up killing his goddamn daughter, and it still got swept away.

Tsar Nicholas II was thoroughly loathed by just about everybody in Russia, which was why it was so easy to topple him, and why nobody, not even the Whites, seriously considered a Romanov restoration. Being both an autocratic tyrant and incompetent, as well as stupidly blundering into a war that kills millions of your

It's not like the Beer Hall Putsch was the only time the Nazis killed anybody…actually, I don't know if they did kill anyone during the Putsch itself. They just kidnapped a couple of officials, then went on a dumbass march before they got shot up by police.

Yepper. Of course the show, being a Tory fantasy, wants the audience to think that Miss Bunting is rude.

I for one am hoping that Miss Bunting leads the proletarian mob that burns Downton to the ground.

She did topless photos back in the day!

I think the reason Bosch likes jazz is because Michael Connelly likes jazz.

I wonder how you could go figuratively an hour ago.

The real Bosch has to be about done with police work, although I read an interview where Connelly said he would feature both Bosch and Soto going forward.