Dog Me

I was a kindergartener. I really liked my Stretch Armstrong doll.

Ha, I was just coming to post this. Surely the most famous moment of Reynolds' career was how pissed off he got when ABC was struggling to figure out what was happening that day in 1981.

Side note regarding Summer: I like how she is just average-looking, average-intelligent, plain girl. She is not the beautiful cheerleader bitch cliche. Nor is she the nerdy geek cliche on the ither end of the spectrum. She is just average, somewhere in the middle, where so many of us felt/feel we were/are in high

When is the movie coming out?

So very, very pretty.

I seem to remember reading that Mary Harron actually wanted her co-writer, Guinevere Turner, to play that part. And that in fact it was Mol they had to cast to get the movie made and Turner was disappointed. Read that in a Turner interview years ago IIRC.

Was the location of the capsule marked with boogers like in Rant?

I am so happy someone else remembers this. Hank Hill, carrying around TWO bottles of WD-40.

Probably Bobby never hit puberty because they would have had to re-cast Pamela Segall.

"Don't use Band-Aids."

Let's not forget the episode where everyone thought Hank was addicted to pornography.

Really. That guy's bullshitting, If you want sex with a girl, and you think going to a movie will get you sex with that girl, you will go to that movie. By God you'll go to "Twilight" or "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" if that's what it takes.

Well, in truth, if you have a Batman avatar and a Sith name, you probably don't have a girlfriend.

"Cavalcade" is fucking terrible. It would be the worst Best Picture winner, except for the fact that "Cimarron" exists.

Wait…that guy? That guy was the drunk cook! The drunk cook that Rose meets as everybody is holding onto the rail on the stern of the Titanic. That guy totally did go back to his cabin and drink a fair amount of liquor after he was done helping his lifeboat get away. And he did in fact get plucked out of the ocean,

I'll second the "that's a bullshit story" motion.

Oh no! There was one movie that teenaged boys didn't like!

I like "Titanic", I do, but "A Night to Remember" is fantastic. That movie's a masterpiece.

In those days she got naked in almost every movie she made. She is full-frontal and gorgeous in "Holy Smoke"—which unfortunately also has her peeing in that same scene.

"2001" was a big sci-fi special effects movie.