Simple and obvious pandering that I have absolutely no problem with.
Simple and obvious pandering that I have absolutely no problem with.
Sunny sucks when it does political episodes like this. They spend the entire show hammering down the point without any humor. How the fuck did this get an A? Can anyone point out a single funny joke?
Funniest, most fun episodes:
Huh, imdb says this came out in May after Scanners came out in January. 1981 must have been a great year for exploding heads in films!
Okay, you had me at Karoline Herfurth. Anyone else see her in We Are the Night/Wir Sind die Nacht, an amusing enough German lesbian vampire film from a couple of years ago?
please give me an example of what you consider good heavy music (real metal), 90% of people talking shit on TDWP on here haven't even listened to the song all the way through or any other songs by them, you probably didnt even know who they are untill now so you just put them off as some gay scene/emo band without…
"I'm a doctor. And yes, they're real. Clear!"
"The extra clicking you'll hear is gonna be my hip."
Correction: tWitch competed in the fourth season, not the third.
"Wait a minute. I know what's going on here. I'm the monster!"
Do you always try to jump first comment with an anime reference on Muslim websites too? Because maybe that's the real reason for the death threats.
Forty+ years after we went co-ed, and I've still never seen a male character in a show/movie/book mention that they went to Vassar.
Yes, the famous "I just thought about a J Michael Straczynski 90s sci-fi series, now my eyes are opened to the horrors of American foreign policy."
Quite. We aren't supposed to warm to Ursula, because she is a terrible person.
Yep, that was pretty much a disaster.
Schwimmer was pretty buff, actually.
I think he's saying that Aziz Ansari is the most playful sociopath in Hollywood.
slow hand clap.
"All hands on deck… for mojitos!"
Ironically that ended up being DC.