Dog Me

"Don't tell me how to do humble.  My humble is among the greatest in the history of the universe!"

I hate it when Americans decide they should write like Englishmen.  Movie theaters need "bums in seats"—dunno why American theater owners would be so desperate for hobos to patronize them.

Was I alone in thinking the psychologist had killed himself at the end of that issue?  As I recall we see him at the newstand a chapter or two later, but I was getting it as it came out so I had more time to think about it, and the end of that chapter really left me hanging, thinking that he had just swallowed a

works for me

That idiot Amity Shales just wrote a hagiography of him.  Ugh.

Oh sweet Jesus, yes.  Kelly MacDonald is gorgeous and a great actress, but Margaret was the fucking worst.  I hope we go a whole season without boring, pointless Catholic guilt.

Warren Harding is dead, which means that slimeball Harry Daugherty and all those other slimy characters like Gaston Means are no longer circling around the White House.  Now we have Coolidge, the safe, boring plutocrat, who will completely fail to see the Great Depression coming, and will also be super-mega-boring, so

[…] Screenwriters are leaning on showporn morals […]

As he urinates onto my open casket he'll shout "You're next, Sarah Vowell!  You can't fool all of the people all of the time."

Oh it's just Tim Lieder being Tim Lieder again.  He's just mad that
Sarah Vowell didn't die, or wasn't implicated in Monteith's death.

Yes, thanks for clarifying that JacksSmirkingRevenge.  Like the others said, i understand frustration, but i don't know… i usually shrug off warnings of community agitation regarding trials and such, but i do remember the weird atmosphere after the Rodney King trial, when you could really see on the live reports on TV

And that's the second thread in a row on this page where the 'liberal' response is to straight-up shoot someone in retailiation for something.

Hey, didn't Finn already master wizardly magic back in season one?
He should've just said, "Ultimate wizardry, activate!  I cast Dragon Eyes!  Tiger Claw!  Vorpal Hand!  Blazing Feet!  Beautious Wings!  And finally, everyother power I didn't mention by naaame!"
And kicked some serious ass ; )

Yep, Salma Hayek pretty much has that decade nailed down. And maybe the next one.

When it comes to incompetent agents that their clients mysteriously continue to employ, she can't hold a candle to Stephen Merchant's character on "Extras".

Then what on earth do you call them?

Agree with "Change." Seems to me that songs on a funeral should be kinda bittersweet — acknowledge the loss but focus on what was good in life and moving forward.

::looks:: oh dear Lord that's depressing.

I didn't like the London episodes because they made Emily such a bitch. A better story would have the audience wondering if the person at the apex of the love triangle is making the right choice—see Jim, Pam, and Karen on Season 3 of The Office.

Yup. If you'd asked me in 1994 what was the title of that night's episode of "Friends" or "ER" or whatever else I was watching in 1994, pretty sure I would have come up empty.