
Being a ranch hand is seasonal work.  So, he was probably laid off.

"They're not necessarily better than me, or smarter than me, but they live like they are. Perhaps I can get where they are if I stop judging and find out how they got there."

Doesn't really work because the model from the video is likely anorexic and probably already dry as the desert.

Hey smart-asses, I meant retract up into the stomach area and leave a blank spot behind - sorry I didn't paint a good enough picture.

That is Oscar-level acting.

What do I win?

I offered a copy of The Keep (before it was available on Netflix Watch Instantly) to the AV Club a couple months back and never got a response.  I don't think they're interested…or they hate me (cries)

When HW Jr. fell off the mountain, all they said was that he held his brains in his hands.

It's like how they used to promote Conan's show on NBC ("Jay's got Jennifer Aniston and the Black Eyed Peas, and (really fast) catch-a-squirrel-hunter-on-Conan!"

(From the S1 Paintball episode):

Isn't "Turning Japanese" about masturbation?

Either you are a huge Walker fan or… there is no or.  That is awesome (why would the bad guys stop their cars?)

I don't even know if you're being sarcastic.  INTERNET!

I say this as a heterosexual male and realizing it is a small thing, but… are Cam and Mitchell just roommates?  Their lack of physicality is becoming an issue, for me, in believing that they are a couple.  When Mitchell runs into the ocean and then Cam comes out and confronts him, they hug.  HUG!  They are grown gay

The A.V. Club: Committed to kicking you in the nuts right before the weekend.  You're welcome!

"heroically saves the bleeding-heart aid workers who dared question his methods"

Someone should tell Lohan that it is unlikely she has to go to these lengths to get Joel in bed.

Considering special effects artists are, almost universally, geeks/nerds, why the hell are any of them agreeing to do this work?  Is it "just a job"?  Do they take no pride in their skills?  I assume most, if not all, of these artists are Star Wars fans and that they feel a certain level of self-loathing.  Or, and

Even Dick Cheney would classify your proposed film as torture.

Totally agree.  *SPOILER* I listened to the audiobook and there is just buildup and buildup and buildup until… it is all destroyed.  It was like being a kid and making something out of Legos just to destroy it.  Except that it took hours upon hours.