
There's a lesson to be learned here.  Fox brings this back after no one requested it and without any outpouring of grief by fans (?) of the show.  Only now do we understand Fox's strategy - if we had all stayed quiet about Arrested Development and just said "Oh, yeah, that show… it's okay I guess" it could have been

In addition to what has already been said about "easy laughs," I remember reading about Steve Carrell and how he would avoid "easy laughs." I think his big thing is if the buildup is leading toward a right turn, turn left. I think some people appreciate Larry the Cable Guy and Dane Cook because they like being able

Here comes a "cool story, bro" moment:

Tea Party'in!
THIS is why we can't tax the rich! We will stifle their creativity!

Tea Party'in!
THIS is why we can't tax the rich! We will stifle their creativity!

Never give him an opening
Great, now Leno will also take that spot and try to again take Conan's job on the network.

The Brown Baron?

What happened, Chewie? You used to be the sane one.

Some gave all
I gave $10. Damn good cause. Is there a donation to help the other author?

What if Rick Santorum and Issa and Norquist had a baby after a three-way santorum session? That could be worse.

Are there not ghost planets? Then what's the point of it all?

"A few guys will try it, but they'll make it three minutes in before they get up off the couch and start yelling at things."

I watched Pop Pilgrims a couple weeks ago and then I came back to watch this one. Thing is, people, it isn't as good as you remember. And if it is as good as you remember, that's because you're viewing it with nostalgic blinders on. And while there's nothing wrong with enjoying an AV Club feature for

OH MY GOD! When you add the month, day, and year of my birthday together you get NO ONE GIVES A RATS ASS BECAUSE THAT'S NOT HOW NUMBERS WORK.

Given how much he's mocked for his run, don't you think they'd shy away from showing so much Tom-Cruise-Awkward-No-Human-Runs-Like-That in the trailer?

"Bitchin' dance scene during the credits, though."

You can't leave. She won't let you.
The cats eyes look like the eyes of Sam Neill's dead wife in Event Horizon.

That's a lot of listening, Mr. Monster. What does the Mrs. say?

Also - in states I'm aware of - traveling faster than the speed limit is prima facie evidence of reckless driving. So, by law, a person's care about harm to self/others and speeding ARE interrelated.

But you don't KNOW there aren't people around for sure/danger won't happen. Unlike a track situation, where you can be sure there isn't going to be anything on the road. It isn't a controlled environment.