

I love drug stories.

"Chilling effect" only works IF IT IS GOVERNMENT ACTION!

Did you edit out all the parts where he started laughing at his own jokes ahead of the punchline? Or where he just stumbled over his words? I'm guessing this was a pain to transcribe.

According to imdb, this was filmed in Vancouver, BC. The setting of the book is Portland, OR (as noted in the article) and it is almost like another character. Why couldn't they have filmed it here? I don't really care when a movie takes place in X but needs one scene in NYC (filmed in Vancouver), but

Digital age altering weirds me out

I would say John Woo except for "clumsy sports metaphors"???

It is weird, right? Like he doesn't hear it or maybe hoped to get out?


Where did Obama come from? Are Obama and Palin like Yin and Yang? If Palin stole a car but Obama killed someone, she wouldn't be charged? His crime would offset hers?

Yeah, because there's a tit-for-tat. You get free stuff and agree to be photoshopped with it (ie, cheap advertising). Palin refused photos (a) and (b) all her 80 extras grabbed stuff. It's kinda like going to a "free" museum and not leaving a donation. You don't have to, but there's a social contract implied.

The swag stuff is hilarious
I read about this elsewhere. I used to have to go to trade conventions all the time, where you'd be mobbed with this stuff (yes, worth less than what Palin had access to), but I'd always feel ashamed and whorish taking the stuff and eventually just stopped because what am I going to do

Jack Burton: You know what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like this?
Thunder: Who?
Jack Burton: Jack Burton. *Me*!

Am I the only one who liked that film? (Don't answer that). I thought it set out to do something and accomplished it: make a slick, funny, engaging, entertaining blockbuster. It didn't pretend to talk about larger issues, it just delivered solid entertainment for two hours. I have to commend films that

Well, hopefully we'll see you then. I mean, do you think there will be a nuclear war or something? Jeez.

(Long extended joke that the writers think goes from funny to not funny and back to funny when it reality it is just really tiresome)

Biggest opening for DiCaprio?
At first I was gonna be snarky and mention "Titanic," but that did $28 mil. its opening weekend. I wonder if adjusted for inflation/ticket prices it would be more.

Yay! PSB!
Thanks for including Pet Shop Boys, AV Club. I think Essential could rank there as well (a collection of "extended versions").


Lone Audience is kinda driftin' in and out of the conversation.