
Jeremy's Iron.

The 75 cents thing is also not true on a job to job basis. It is not that a male X and a female X are paid differently but rather that men dominate the upper echelons of corporate America so on average a man earns 25% more than a woman because the "average" man includes all the CEOs. Which is still horrible, but in

DNF can't be the DNF of the 2010's since the studio shut down and the team disbanded last year. That thing is now TRULY dead in the water. Even Wired had a post mortem.

Who was the halftime show?

Prequel? I think it would just be "the first film." I always thought prequels were a "sequel that takes place chronologically prior to the first film."

I think you mean "subtelsies"

Ingrid, I completely agree with your assessment.

I don't get it
I really like Ansari's work in Parks & Rec as well as on Human Giant (which was an amazing show). But I didn't laugh once during this standup special. So, I'm curious as to why people thought it was so great.

"It's because there's absolutely no evidence that Seinfeld is funny."

Wow. Thanks for that. I hadn't seen those. Great find.


But maybe another network would respect him and not dick around with him.

While true, Seinfeld didn't have to be a dick and publicly trash Conan (as he did recently). Look at the hater and other AV news articles. If I were Conan, after being told to "shut up and put up" by Seinfeld, I would do my best never to cross paths with him again.

"He took home seven figures while not liking his job."

I agree about not hating on her. She's never done anything that has particularly bothered me, she isn't holding up healthcare legislation, she didn't claim Obama palled around with terrorists… all in all, she's kinda dumb but I got way bigger fish to fry.

American Dad
Did you just lump American Dad in with Family Guy and The Cleveland Show? Do you read your own site, AV Club? Because if you did, you'd find that besides Seth McFarwhatever, American Dad and Family Guy are very, very different shows. AD does not operate on the interchangeable set-up-flashback-gag

This one is actually more complete:

My go-to article on Greengrass' terrible cinematography/editing. After reading this piece, and similar pieces, I now hate the new action style even more.

I have no recollection. Weird. This is the french movie about the guy getting videotapes of himself, right?

Signs in a nutshell: Mel's wife is killed in a car accident but lives just long enough to allow him to arrive on the scene, sputter out some exposition, and die. Just like in real life!