
I've seen cache and I have no idea what they're referring to here. The end credits sequence?

Boy, AV Club, you've done it now. Prepare to get a phone call/email from Wiseau saying he doesn't do steroids. I guarantee this will happen.

Tried with HD-DVDs
This was tried with HD-DVDs. There are tons of "Combo" discs that have HD-DVD on one side and standard DVD on the other. A cool idea and perhaps a good solution to the problems listed above. (Unfortunately, in the case of HD-DVDs, combo discs didn't address the problems that ultimately led to the

Ah, but I have both Petehammer AND Petethehammer (since one locked me out for a month). So, I'm bringing about 400 as well. Pistols at dawn outside Glenn Beck's bathhouse.

Did anyone see the episode where Colin Quinn didn't mess up the monologue jokes?


I was a reporter for a couple years and as such, got a ton of free magazines (as a "media professional"). Dunno why this happens, but it does. Some were cool (Wired, Pop Sci) others were odd (many black men's interest magazines including Vibe and Giant). I also got Maxim and Stuff, which I don't think exists

"Chevy Chase, Goldie Hawn, and Paul Hogan"
Was the green room just solid cocaine?

I would pay to see Neil Tennant in some kind of legal production. It's a Sin already works.

I'm currently reading John Bellairs books! How coincidental! They still hold up, but are obviously written for teens/kids (explaining big words left and right).

If no one else is going to say it…
Narek is NOT Karen spelled backwards.

Yes. It is "based" on the book, though the author hates Michael Mann's movie. I don't know about vampires, but the movie is Nazis vs. ancient cursed being who picks them off one by one as they lodge in a castle's keep in Romania.

Did you see Slate's takedown of Antichrist? Entertaining.

Michael Mann's "The Keep"
As long as we're doing bootleg movies, how about Michael Mann's 1983 flop "The Keep" about Nazi's and a haunted castle? (The premise is better than the execution). A little discussion of the rumored 3-hour cut (the released film is 93 minutes). Supposedly, Mann's so embarrassed of the film

Oh, snap!

Yeah, but XFL abandoned the fair catch rule and had "He Hate Me" while this guy deserves death by dogpiling by guys named "He Hate Me."

It is a great theme… do do do DO DO… wait a minute, describing the theme never works.

I remember when I was a Freshman at Cornell and I had just gotten out of Honors English and this guy asked me if he could use Hulu on my Macbook Air.

The Beer or the Mayor
Sam Adams? The Mayor of Portland (Ore.) who is kinda still in trouble for maybe have sex with an underage man? This is how you're spending my tax dollars?

I was worried I'd have to say goodbye… to THOSE!