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    Personally, any time a parent shows any display of affection toward one of their children, it makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. Why, I've even seen some parents carry their children around! I don't need those sick images in my life!

    On the other hand, the classic/slim/fitted classifications are a goddamn shitshow.

    Yeah, once I found a single brand of pants where I knew a certain size was going to give me the correct fit, I started buying exclusively from them (in-store only, because I still need to try them on to make sure they're not one of the weird ones that got mis-manufactured). I'm still trying to find a shirt-maker that

    Clearly, the right way for Glamour to handle this would be to put a plus-size model on the covers of their magazines, with the headline "NOTICE ANYTHING DIFFERENT, YOU SEXIST SHITS?"

    AVClub why the fuck you tell me to get a Tame Impala album

    Huh, it's almost like living in a communist country gives rich people more incentive to hide their money.

    It’s difficult for me to buy Matt and Karen as a couple. Not because of the chemistry between the actors, which is good enough. Partially because she doesn’t know about Daredevil, but mostly because I can’t really think of two characters who seem like they have less to talk about. When Matt asks “are you sure you

    The dog in Fable 2 is actually a bit like that—not entirely, as he always goes into combat mode on time, but when you're just traveling, he just sort of runs around the map checking stuff out. Occasionally he will find some treasure for you to dig up. Sometimes it's a condom, which is weird.

    Holy crap, I remember reading Korman's books in fourth grade. My seat in math class was right next to a bookshelf, and The Zucchini Warriors happened to be on the bookshelf, and I read that rather than listen to my math teacher. After I finished that, I went to the school library and started reading all of the other

    Beavis would be rebelling against the example set by his father, who he would believe to be "totally lame."

    I imagine Rudy's mom is currently trying to "find herself" while simultaneously realizing how difficult and time-consuming it is to look after a kid as a single parent, and this has turned into a cycle in which she disappears when he's at his dad's (that 38-year-old bandanna-wearing guitar player who she met when his

    A recent article of theirs began by mentioning Virgin Airlines' prank for April Fools' Day: a revised logo that looks awfully similar to a pair of breasts forming a "v" shape. The article then transitions to the main point, which is that two airlines are making buyout offers for Virgin Airlines. A direct quote follows:

    I'd say I like the roughness of the line work, the way that everyone's face looks grotesque in its own special way. The article mentioned how exhausting it is to read the tiny, text-heavy panels, and how animation conveys Miller's intended effect better than illustration, but to my mind it also has a weakness. The

    Hope Rob don't say balls nasty.

    The Dark Knight Returns is one of the comics that's had the most staying power with me—I find myself thinking about certain moments in my spare time, or certain panels, or snippets of Miller's writing. I think it's proper to link it with Watchmen, not just because of the grim tone or the unfortunate trends they helped

    Just be glad they didn't spell it "Melbun."

    "England itself is the product of multiple foreign invasions."

    Also, the fragment of conversation Gene overhears between the two teenagers is like a window into a less funny and more earnest TV show about the emotional turmoil of growing up: "Dude, you don't have to tell lies to impress me. I'm not going to stop being your friend."

    Maybe if enough black comedians that you consider hacky quit, they could all be replaced by appropriately sensitive white comedians who spend their routines explaining why Dave Chappelle's comedy can be hurtful in certain contexts

    Horsens, Denmark, would not say neigh to some musical entertainment.