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    "Bob! Don't try to eat your fears!"

    "This is how The Birds should have ended. Tippi Hedren taking a bath with a bunch of birds!"

    The passivity of Regular-Sized Rudy's dad in the face of stubbornly fraudulent bouncy-house lessees on his son's birthday is something I can neither respect nor tolerate. Dammit, Rudy, I've never shipped you and Louise, but you deserve someone in your family who has some goddamn backbone.

    "Jokowi takes power at a time when Indonesia, as a great man once put it, is at a crossroads."—actual quote from a 2014 Economist article.

    So it's about a man who wants to learn the Dark Arts but keeps on getting entangled in dick-kiss threesomes?

    The Irish mobster threatening to torture that cute little dog (a dog they had already been using for dogfighting) really made me a lot more sympathetic to Frank Castle’s approach. I didn’t feel bad about that guy getting his face caved in by a shotgun at all.

    Lawrence Wright began Going Clear as a New Yorker article, and superfluous descriptions of the weather around a location are seemingly mandatory in all New Yorker articles.

    Two of the sheep in Zootopia that are making the drugs in the abandoned train car are named "Walter" and "Jesse."

    Or he just put cold coffee and ice cubes into a regular cup, which I could honestly see Winston doing.

    Just pretend she has some of those no-glare lenses, and they actually work as advertised.

    Wiig's only request, which has been repeated several times, is that no one ask her to sing.

    *checks watch* I guess game night ended early.

    An literalist.

    Not so the Punisher would notice, I don't think.

    He's been blind since childhood, he probably doesn't have a great memory for how light works. He's probably thinking "Ha ha, now no one will be able to see me!"

    You're right that Frank doesn't go after those guys, which, three episodes in, is a good explanation for why we haven't seen any. At the same time, he probably wouldn't care if a guy like that who had committed crimes to pay off his debt got caught in the crossfire—as far as he's concerned, that guy made the choice to

    He has one. It is a salon that caters to disappointed aunts. Foggy gets all the best gossip from them.

    When are Hillary and Bernie supporters going to stop playing games and fuck already?

    Though I'm not sure how he knew Matt would hear him pulling the hammer back—was the door in Matt's hypothetical line of sight?

    With his full array of technology at his disposal, Iron Man is arguably the most powerful superhero in the MCU. When Steve Rogers calls him a "big man in a suit," part of our reaction as the audience is to roll our eyes at his naivete. We've seen what Tony Stark can do.