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    If it means I never find you sitting next to me in a theater jacking off again, then I'm fine with it.

    What is symbol?

    Adam just needed more information on what that fruit tasted like to make sure Eve hadn't been cheating on him with that snake.

    "it was so goddamned visually dark and layered with CGI rain, fog and water that you could barely see what was going on."

    The sword bit was a joke, a knowing wink to people in the audience who remember those things. If you had a problem with it, you're part of the reason that so many blockbusters these days are joyless and self-serious.

    Woman expresses her fear of growing old.

    Lee Daniels: "People are excoriating me for being stupid? It's not anything Adam Sandler or Jim Carrey hasn't done, but now everyone's acting like I'm some big stupid guy? That's what's wrong with race in this country."

    Yeah, I've never understood how, with all the people on both sides of the political spectrum blowing so much hot air about education reform, so few of them ever seem to bring up the fact that school funding is tied to local property taxes, which is both easy and incredibly necessary to fix.

    "Spy had a super-generic title, and that might have been the reason it was so successful. I mean, why else did people go to it? Did you see how many women were in the cast?"
    —probably the actual thought process that went into this decision.

    My name is Doug, and frankly it was bad enough that everybody started humming that song any time I was around.

    Yeah, I was being snarky for the sake of it here. I enjoyed the book, even with the lack of emotional depth. Maybe if these movies keep succeeding at the box office, we'll get one with just the right science-to-sobbing ratio.

    "Why do people even bother having emotions about being abandoned on an alien planet when they can just do science and not have the problem anymore? I am a realistic portrayal of a human being!"

    I'm glad to see Stephen continuing to keep This Week In God alive.

    If that's true, I would be careful the next time you step into the shower.

    Let's not exaggerate here.

    Well, as far as political viewpoints go, "everybody is stupid" at least has the advantage of frequently being accurate.

    Yes, I'm sure that was a serious political position meant to be taken at face value.

    Otherkin. In 20 years, making the statement you just made will force you to have a meeting with your company's HR rep, who will insist that you call him "Gladulus the Mighty Centaur."

    True, but it's not like they made any distinction between what Mr. Garrison was doing and what drives an actual trans person, the way (for example) Silence of the Lambs went out of its way to say that Buffalo Bill was not actually a trans person, and had been rejected for surgery because he failed the psych

    Only to the degree that Al Gore was using both of them to be on TV more after he'd stopped being Vice President.