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    On the other hand, Season 9 had "Trapped in the Closet" and the Free Willy spoof that ends with a dead killer whale on the moon, which might be two of the funniest South Park episodes ever.

    Mr. Garrison also decided to get a sex change because he mistakenly believed it would give him the ability to conceive, and then he could go get abortions for fun. It's one of those storylines where South Park crowds the field with so many targets that you can't tell whether they're hitting certain ones on purpose or

    Where's their parade?

    They confused true gender identity crises with a vague yearning to have vastly different physical characteristics than you actually do. Which is an easy mistake to make, I think, because as a cis man, that's about the closest I can get to understanding the idea of feeling like I'm the wrong gender. I know,

    Our ideas and feelings are so pure and true, and it's just so darn hurtful that South Park would ever say anything mean about them.

    Wow, the learning process really is more efficient these days.

    Just kept trying to force those misconceptions on the song, regardless of what the lyrics were saying. Later, he justified his actions by saying the song was asking for it.

    Kelly Clarkson Volunteers To Euthanize Terminal Patients

    Please. Billy Joel's "Just the Way You Are" isn't even the worst song named "Just the Way You Are."

    I always ask for the invasive. Haven't had a date in a while, so…

    Too bad he didn't try to pull that with the Denver PD. (I don't actually want Frankie Muniz, or most people, to be shot to death, but someone had to make the joke).

    I know a dog named Cisco.

    It's even more punchable if you define "punchable" as "unlikely to defend himself with any real gusto." That is the face of a cower-and-whimper little boy, especially if a grown man like me is punching him in the face repeatedly.

    Of course, it's also a classic Hollywood move: promise the moon to someone to convince them to sign, and then proceed to take the moon back one rock at a time.

    You need that ominous pertussive sound at the end of the R, though, the same one Ian McKellen and Christopher Lee use to pronounce the Rs in "Mordor."

    But she didn't put in a little conversation between two characters where one of them keeps pronouncing it wrong and the other finally corrects him, like she did with Hermione, so it's unlikely to gain much traction.

    Well, it's good to know my dream of seeing Bernie Sanders emerge onstage while "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue" plays isn't dead yet.

    Toby Keith is a registered Democrat, but he could possibly be more amenable to a Republican candidate using his songs.

    Hearing about all the fairy-tale imagery in this, and thinking about how often it comes up in The Village and Lady in the Water, and thinking about how his first three movies seem heavily influenced by fairy tales in the way their plots are driven by the characters' internal emotions rather than strict logic, I have

    Right, I spoke a little too soon—around page 119 he says something about deleting previous "embarrassing" log entries, so there's definitely some self-editing going on. And while he never feels quite human, he comes out seeming at least as human as, say, Jack Ryan.