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    Yes, foster care, like many other instances of the social safety net, is there to help the less fortunate, and not people who have the resources to get their child into a better living situation without help from the state.

    tfw you're brad pitt and you've just gotten a table next to a bachelorette party

    Sometimes I feel like, in lieu of reviewing Apatow films, certain reviewers should be allowed to submit 400 words to advocate for alternative lifestyles, or a video of them drunkenly ruining a wedding. It would make the reviewers a lot happier about their job, and everyone else can just go to the Apatow film like they

    And now, an ACTUAL drunkard's defense of frozen pizza.

    Splunge isn't dirty at all! It just means that it's a great idea, but possibly not, and I'm not being indecisive.

    Is it too much to ask to find someone who has no moral qualms about luring the homeless into a soundproof room to accommodate one's murder/cannibalism fetish, and also great abs?

    According to what they said at the time of the wedding, they decided to get married because their kids really wanted them to get married. So it's actually the kids who are to blame for the divorce, just like a normal couple.

    I believe Dave Barry had a son who was living back at home post-college, and wrote about it in many of his newspaper columns at the time.

    One of these days he's going to be right! And who'll be laughing then?




    So it's a prequel to The Brood?

    Yes, but they tend to be picky about which TV they put out:

    No, as explained above, there is a difference between producing a print of the movie designed to be shown in black and white and removing the color from a version designed to be shown in color.

    Well, George Miller wants to show it to us that way. I know that sounds like a silly idea, but back in 2013, we were all saying, "Can someone remind me why we want to see a fourth Mad Max movie thirty years after the last installment with a new lead actor?" so following his lead on these things has paid off before.

    No, everybody who buys this box set that contains both versions is going to behave like any rational customer would, and angrily demand that the checkout clerk break the seal and remove the black-and-white disc before selling it to them.

    It's not an all-or-nothing proposition, dude. The existence of a black and white version of this movie is not going to cause all the color copies to disappear, nor is it going to replace the color version in the box set that is being released, nor is it likely to supplant the color version in the public's imagination.

    This is the correct interpretation, yes.

    Good question! Let's find out! *orders mandoline*