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    You literally stopped reading a book because there were no pictures.

    Listening to a recording of a book rather than reading it by hand could possibly affect that, too. It's possible a lot of the nitty-gritty Bryson goes into went in one ear and out the other, especially when you don't have any visualizations to follow the way you can when watching Cosmos.

    I moved to Texas when I was 10, and got a Texas accent in about 3 months. Moved away at 12, lost the accent in about 3 months. It happens.

    I had completely forgotten about Benjamin Raspail, and now I'm sort of sad that the show didn't focus on that character rather than moving the ending of Hannibal (book version) up by about 20 years.

    Drugs are one hell of a drug.

    Hopefully N'Yongo is among the ~2% of black people who say they would vote for Bernie Sanders. Otherwise…awkward.

    I'll be interested to see if Lupitia N'Yongo alerts Sanders when they sneak into the ring behind him, or if she gives him a shove into the ropes so they can just hold him down and start whaling on him.

    Hey, let's not jump to conclusions here.

    Henry Clay wuz robbed!

    I loved Will casually taking a drink of the wine as Hannibal lay bleeding out on the floor.

    Has Tarantino done that for anything other than his own movies and The Protector?

    Well yeah, Wes Craven and some angels killed them. Try to keep up.

    It was scored to a song called "Love Crime." I think that's more than enough.

    Does anyone find seven Chinese brides for them?

    If you like Page's depressing lyrics/cheerful music songs, then yeah, The Mountain Goats are probably right up your alley.

    Well, it's not like Alpha Rats Nest has a different message than Oceanographer's Choice. The lyrics "Some day we'll both wake up for good/I will try hard not to scream" or "Sing for the damage we've done/And the worse things that we'll do" suggest the same essential idea of the two of them permanently locked together

    And then, by 4, it had looped around to "self-knowingly silly stuff Ubisoft programmers put in to make fun of the horrible company that pays them."

    Have them filming a sequel series (sort of like what we see at the end of the movie), but then reveal that they've taken a camera crew onto the spaceship to save on budget (using an existing spaceship being cheaper than building a new one from scratch). Each episode, they try to cobble a fake Star Trek episode

    I'm sorry that PeepingTorgo felt the need to remind you of BET's existence without giving you a trigger warning.

    It does if you don't count the Jews (and the other 50% of Holocaust victims) as people.