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    Is there a building where they all regularly meet for poker night? And when they meet there, do they play poker…in the rear?

    Why would sexism be distinct from an honest mistake? If you agree that 1970s culture, especially music culture, tended to have more women in subordinate roles, they could have assumed that she would get them coffee because most of the women they dealt with in the industry were coffee-getters—secretaries, assistants,

    Well, Twitter's character limit could be to blame there. Though based on what little I know about rock bands, I guess I was assuming that they would generally wait for people to come to them. Also that a rock journalist who's been assigned to interview them isn't going to putter around in the same room without coming


    People thought I was a reporter that one time I was taking down the setlist so I could turn it into an iTunes playlist later?

    That actually seemed like the most clear-cut example of systemic sexism to me. I mean, assuming the person's brain is working right, she probably walked up to them and said "Hi, I'm [name] from [periodical]." I don't really see any other way it could have gone. I don't think professional reporters of either sex are in


    Maybe they haven't tried turning The IT Crowd on.

    Well, that's another stupid idea. It would have been more thrilling, more horrifying, and probably more biologically viable for the pathogen to target humans' "kill others" instinct rather than turning it in on itself. Humans killing themselves is something we would fight against; we're already fighting the urge to

    Wait, that was a suicide? It looked like she was going to kill her friend on the bench before the camera cut away.

    Sadly, Dynamite Hack's acoustic-guitar version has actually proven to be the more timeless of the two.

    If that's an actual song, it may be the most accurate and succinct summation of artistic ambition to ever be created.

    The best part of naked John Cena is not a part of this movie.

    Babaloo Mandell! How can he fail to be funny? The name alone makes me laugh!

    Well, when I watched Funny People, one of the most realistic-seeming details was how two stand-up comics never laugh when they're discussing each others' material. One will explain or recite the joke he's working on, and the other will consider it, and say "yeah, that's funny" and offer improvements.

    If the machines really want to keep me pacified, they'll give me a spaceship and let me explore a fake computer-created galaxy. And it better have some actual depth and texture. None of this Spore shit.

    And here I thought the internet would be free in more a "choose-your-own-cell-provider" kind of way.

    Witty messages,

    No, they're definitely dudes, which makes sense considering what Bilbo Faggins's house is named in the porn parody.

    They do that to try to make you watch live. Set your recording schedule for the show to "end 2 minutes late" and you should get the whole episode.