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    ♫Cuidado, cuidado, cuidado, son llamas♫

    I wish there had been screaming parents—it would have at least gotten the show more publicity than Nick saw fit to give it.

    Well that's just asking one of the Newsroom characters to follow you around a mall parking lot pointing out everything wrong with everything you just did and had ever done.

    I'm sure if you counted all the misspellings of "Daenerys" as one name it would move up several hundred spots.

    You forgot to log into the Reposted Wookiepedia account.

    Actually, the Mormon spelling is H-Nurpleflaak. Common mistake.

    If they do form like Voltron, they will be sure to do it in a way that rips off the Wu-Tang Clan.

    Well, I wish he'd paid attention when his English 101 teacher was explaining the difference between plagiarism and citation.

    Sorry, I was referring specifically to the Torah, and even more specifically to the two passages in Leviticus that constitute the entirety of the OT's objections to homosexuality. Should have been more clear on that.

    But you have to look at the context—Jesus says that line at least partly as a rhetorical defense against the large modifications to Jewish law he's in the middle of supporting when he says that. The next few verses after that all say "you have heard [paraphrase from Leviticus or Deuteronomy], but I say to you [command

    What large parts are these? The two passages in a book of Jewish law that is declared defunct in the New Testament by Jesus, Paul, John, and others? Or the three times Paul slips "sodomy" into a long list of heterosexual acts that he considers sinful, while admitting that he's talking more about his own personal

    If only he had seen those videos of guys getting off by watching their wives cheat on them. If you're going to break the 7th Commandment, might as well make sure everyone has fun.

    The idea of Tony Blair having an Ashley Madison account is nearly as ridiculous as the idea of Nicolas Sarkozy not having one.

    Hey, no need to tell us about your sick fantasies, pervert.

    The doctor has face blindness and a "better safe than sorry" policy when it comes to operating on family members.

    According to Walking Dead zombie rules, anyone who dies for any reason becomes a zombie. So a soldier drinks too much, stumbles into the bunkhouse on his military base, and dies from alcohol poisoning? He'll wake up in the middle of the night as a zombie, and will have likely killed or bitten everyone in the bunkhouse

    Rather than "Biters," the zombies are referred to as "Cocksuckers."

    Theoretically, I could see a place as big and spread-out as Los Angeles maintaining some semblance of civilization long after Atlanta and most of the federal government have fallen. And there's a good chance people in the rest of the country wouldn't know about it.

    I'm intrigued by this show, because a lot of The Walking Dead's initial direction seemed to be a strike-while-the-iron's-hot rush to get this show out the door, no matter the plotting problems or creative conflicts. The showrunners knew they had limited time to prove that a zombie series could work, so every decision

    I'd expect about 28 days.