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    That's "childruns."

    Even more sad because you know that if Cruise and Travolta ever started dating, they would immediately become the biggest Hollywood power couple of all time. Star Magazine would probably just have its headquarters spontaneously combust.

    This reminds me of my favorite exchange from the movie Monster House:

    Who cares about the pop culture zeitgeist? The episodes in New Girl's fourth season are the funniest things this writing staff has ever written, work well as standalone episodes, and avoid all the Nick/Jess stuff that was the show's petard in Season 2 by which it got hoisted in Season 3.

    ♫Ooh all them crazy elephant bones!♫

    I'm a shy bladder guy, and I laughed at that commercial. Sometimes just hearing that other people (even fictional, denigratory people) have that problem makes you feel a little better about the time your graduate seminar took a break, and you got to the urinal first, and then every other guy in the seminar came into

    Oh shit! That's how he got the gun in there! I assumed he'd used some sleight-of-hand to stash it when they were loading him into the car.

    I'm late, late, late, but this review is wrong, wrong, wrong. I guarantee you that for newcomers to Better Call Saul, this episode was the equivalent of watching "Half Measures" for the first time.

    "On next week's episode of Hannibal…"

    "You know, the characterization of America was pretty fair in Dogville, but I resent Von Trier's implication that we can't afford completed movie sets!"

    Is it good or bad for a porn star to have a name where the google results are going to be at least 2/3 deviantart bestiality drawings?

    The A.V. Club

    Actually, when he first turns down the support, it's because he's decided to die. He tried the criminal business, and it just led to two dead bodies and a tiny amount of cash not worth the amount of soul he'd lost. So around season 1 episode 4, he gives up and decides to die, and that's when they have the "talking

    A small TV screen perched atop the clitoris.

    I remember watching the pilot with my dad recently, and my dad has never seen the series and only had a vague idea that it involved a high school teacher cooking meth- he didn't even hear about the cancer. About halfway through the pilot, when Walter is forced to clean his high school student's car, my dad shouted at

    So, you don't know what we would legally have to do in that scenario. Good to know.

    So, you don't know what we would have to legally do in that scenario. Good to know.

    I have to admit, Anglicans are pretty hilarious.

    Then they will pick up the rest of Roald Dahl's books, and find even more to be outraged about. Future Salon headlines:
    "Why Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is an Imperialist's Fantasy Come to Life"
    "Do the Aunts in James and the Giant Peach Expose Roald Dahl's Homophobia?"
    "Matilda Teaches Little Girls That the

    And the equally nonchalant way his aunts are killed off when they are no longer necessary to the story.