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    Legal question I'm genuinely interested in: if he had shut down Gitmo, and every single state prison refused to take the prisoners for fear of radicalizing their prison populations (which is more or less what happened every time he proposed it), then what happens to the prisoners? Does Congress have to approve funding

    Hey! I consider it a major achievement when I manage to masturbate in my parents' basement! They changed the locks and everything!

    I'm pretty sure naming the Death Cab album Kitsungi is more about the band losing their lead guitarist than the lead singer losing his movie star wife.

    The first thing I thought of was his character in the Kick-Ass movies, and thought ArgieBargie was just making a statement of fact, since that character is obviously meant to be an against-type role that takes his "harmless geek" persona to twisted new places. But I don't see what was so bad about his LARPer in Role

    I've been listening to that Ex-Hex album every day for the last few weeks, and might have even if I didn't have a job where I'm allowed to keep my headphones on most of the day.

    *Highlights, right-clicks, selects "Search Google For…"*

    I still can't believe, with all the comics adaptations going on, that HBO or Showtime hasn't tried to make an adaptation of Scalped.

    The eyeroll is you not suggesting Rooney's portrayal was not offensive. It is directed at you equating a racist caricature of a performance with one which, whatever its ideological baggage, was played more or less straight. If Krakowski had started war-whooping and sticking feathers in her hair, you might have a

    I vote for her deposing the Reverend for heresy and taking over the cult herself. It's the 21st century, and women can be whatever they want- including crazy cult leaders.

    "Taking something back after pretending to give it to someone? How is that called Indian giving? White people invented that!"

    I loved the way that the show just tied off the Dong storyline, and I hope that all of Kimmy's romantic encounters get hustled offstage in equally bizarre ways. After seeing so many sitcoms fall victim to will they/won't they disease, I appreciate Fey and Carlock's apparent dedication to using relationships as nothing

    I'm excited for this album, but everything I've heard about it, including the hyperbolic praise, is making it sound more and more like a "sophomore overreach" album, like a band whose first album is basically straightforward bar rock, then they get some critical acclaim and oh, now their next album has synths and a

    *Grabs a history of Greek culture to throw at Victor_Nightingale's head, pauses, considers whether it's better if he just not know*

    If Fey and Carlock can turn Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt into something that reliably maintains the same tone as Police Squad! and the Naked Gun movies, I may start considering the idea of Heaven to be superfluous.

    He was in The Town, but I seem to remember hearing that his role was somewhat comedic. I've also heard that in interviews, he claims that he has to draw on pretty dark memories to play Don Draper, and finds the role pretty difficult to maintain. So if all that second-hand info is correct, I wouldn't be surprised if he

    I didn't think of it as "stupid small-town folk." I thought it was more like a long-form version of the Monty Python sketch where Eric Idle's mass murderer who injured approximately 200 policemen during his arrest apologizes to the court for his actions, and he seems so sincere they let him go. And in my mind,

    If the reverend tried to do that to her, she wouldn't be surprised when it hurt him. I still contend that the reverend was asking the women to do that to him because he gets off on pain, and he was so used to it that he was able to take a great deal of it. Kimmie was surprised when she nearly knocked out her boyfriend

    I think it's what the reverend asked her to do to him in the bunker.

    Fat Rhonda looked a LOT like Melissa McCarthy.

    And if one of those networks DID try to show it, they'd make a big deal about it and saddle the show with the whole burden of representing the under-represented, which would make people look at the whole thing in a different context.