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    They've rebooted the high school episode at least 3 times, if memory serves.

    Hey, that's going a bit too far- I've tried listening to Morning Phase at least twice, and I can tell that I'm really going to enjoy it if I'm ever in a coma for an extended period of time. I just have a little too much energy at the moment.

    If all it takes to "condemn" metal fans is to make light fun of them on the internet (and not even really make fun of them, just pretend to demonstrate an unfamiliarity with the bands they like, just briefly giving them the feeling that maybe the whole wide world does not consist of people genuflecting to their

    Considering the amount of Orwell, Steinbeck, and Arthur Miller taught in those English classes, it's the kids' own damn fault if they can't tell the difference between socialism and communism.

    I think the point is that we shouldn't be so quick to blame the sorority members for being stupid and annoying, as their behavior is a natural reaction to the patriarchial society in which they have existed all their lives. Whereas the fraternity's stupid and annoying behavior is also a natural reaction to said

    For the last time, Man-Thing was not ruined by the creation of female-centered superhero comics. He was just kind of shitty.

    I'm saddened to hear that "Land of 1,000 Dances" was never a #1 Billboard song.

    or they took it as meaning "the real Krieger, who is in this elevator and remembers he came back from a fight with his clones under suspicious circumstances, is really afraid that everyone is going to decide there's too good a chance he's actually a clone, and kill him."

    Ask her what was going on at the end of the episode with the elevator phone. That's driving me nuts.

    Barry buying all his winter gear at O'Hare and then having to navigate Green Bay while wearing Bears logos top-to-bottom was probably a plot point in some earlier draft of the script. At least I hope it was.

    If so, I think we all have to admit that Hitler had some good ide[banned]

    Where would The Catcher in The Rye have invented cross-cutting action?

    Obviously they would sing opera. Ideally nothing after Wagner.

    Remember that the next time you visit the Happy Mask shop and the clerk looks at you funny for a second, then tells you they're all out of masks.

    Hylian, not Hyrulean.

    *audience screams, card that says "fuckboy" appears*

    I have a feeling everyone figured it out.

    I do enjoy the bits in each episode where Craig gives some reason for why he's not screaming anymore- it shows that the writers heard the criticism about the character and have adjusted him without losing the unique wackiness that made him worth including in the first place. THAT SAID, I LOVE SCREAMING CRAIG AND WISH

    I distinctly remember that they are in a city closely connected to the founding of America, and which has a large population of working-class white people with regrettable opinions on social issues.

    "I have eaten the cow! Its strength is in me! Oh, God, that's why I'm so fat and bloated all the time, isn't it?"