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    Well, Cheers was always going to be a classic, but that's an unfair standard for other sitcoms to live up to.

    My theory: Ryan was added to the cast because Deschanel said "Listen: if you are going to make an ensemble comedy out of MY SHOW, which only exists because of ME, who made more box office from 500 Days of Frickin' Summer than THE REST OF THE CAST COMBINED has ever made on ALL their movies, then you are going to give

    We already sort of saw it as Nick came in, fresh from being dumped, and watched Jess put a silly song on the jukebox and do a silly dance to it with something that looked kinda like regret on his face.

    Every exchange between Nick and Schmidt felt like when you see an improv bit that backfires, where the two actors just can't get on the same page at all and step on all each others' lines, and yet it ends up being funnier than the average successful improv bit. I don't know if it was the writing, the editing, or

    "I just ignored it. It went away."

    Can somebody explain the Cheers vs. Seinfeld love interests thing for me? Because Cheers actually had some love interests that became integrated into the main cast, and that's yet to happen with New Girl, unless you count Coach and Cece very briefly hooking up when he returned to the cast. Seinfeld also had a few

    "I would like to hear more about the hotel management program."

    You think decades is a long time? Musicians have been plucking and striking tuned strings in specific time measures for centuries. I do it all the time on the train with my acoustic guitar. It's not difficult. It's actually mindless. Flutter left hand randomly over the frets, pluck strings randomly with right hand,

    Martin asked one of his assistants to set up a Twitter account. Wanting to protect the world from the sight of Martin procrastinating 140 characters at a time, the assistant opened up a blank word document and told him it was Twitter.


    "Shit weasels" is the proper nomenclature.

    The Cosmopolitans is a fun 30 minutes of television, but it leaves you wanting more and knowing that you probably won't get it for a while.

    It's in "ordering more scripts" mode, which might mean it's dying a quiet death or might mean that it comes back as a series the next time they need something that will win some Emmys. Or, given the rate of Stillman's film output, maybe they realized that it will take him a full decade to write a single season.

    That's basically how I expect all celebrities to act. Isn't sleeping with large numbers of women while giving zero regard for their feelings one of the biggest reasons guys try to become celebrities in the first place?

    Hey, write up a whole article and send it in. You never know what might actually make an interesting read.

    Totally. The song should have been called "First Courtship Encounter With An Individual Whose Indeterminate Gender Gives No Clues As To My Own."

    Maybe it's a new gag, mad-libbing the previous post with increasingly corrupted bits of information?

    Still not a great OK Cupid entry.

    But then he wouldn't have any spare time to design magic systems!

    God doesn't need a starship. He gets one. Because he's God.