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    The books are still great, though they are easier to like if you think of them more in the vein of Roald-Dahl-esque magical realism than as hard fantasy (a designation I came up with when I realized how many people's enjoyment of fantasy books hinged on how internally-consistent magic systems were).

    I thought she was great in The Bling Ring. That "I could be President one day, for all I know" speech her character gives is hilarious mostly because of her delivery, which I would describe as "passion trying to emerge from vacuousness."

    I have to admire "Just Lose It" for how clearly half-assed it is, and how easy it is to get stuck in one's head. You can tell that at that point, every Eminem album was required to have a "My Name Is" soundalike, and Eminem was fucking tired of it.

    I always thought Jo Lo Truglio and Jonathan Slavin looked very similar, though it might just be that they play similar roles on two sitcoms I like.

    "You're like…the third-best employee at this restaurant. Sorry Gene."
    "What? I wasn't paying attention."
    "Never mind."

    "What's her last name?"
    "Not anymore. Now, it's Butt. Sophia Butt."

    She's ready to slap him at any time.

    It was great seeing Louise and Linda on the same page. Something about the Bush family's unmitigated awfulness seems to bring it out. They probably got along great from 2000-2008 (rim shot).

    There was no funnier image in the episode than Louise, her face full of joy, slowly windmilling her arms toward Logan as she's prepared to slap him (and given the boy band episode, there's at least a hint of a crush there, right?) Okay, maybe the image of Louise hugging Bob, and then attempting to rupture his kidneys

    I'm pretty sure he was speaking the way Midwestern high school burnouts speak, especially if they're into the warcky tobarccy.

    Okay, maybe I don't know the whole story. I'll grant you that if this season was supposed to have the characters deal with more "normal" problems, it's been a failure so far.

    I like the MFA storyline because I just watched Art School Confidential, and it reminds me of my favorite parts of that film. There's a whole process that occurs throughout the film where (1) the main character, who has Daniel-Clowes-like drafting abilities, will see a piece of obviously amateur abstract art from one

    "The failure of this show to address these real world challenges under the guise that this is 'their' story and not 'everyone's'…is patently dishonest situation writing"

    Remember to use correct nomenclature, Joshua. You "can't even" with Marnie's storyline. It's not an on-again-off-again relationship that you're trying to end.

    I honestly did not realize this show was still going. I thought it had been cancelled, and I've been going to this site every Sunday night for years. Upon reflection, this whole anecdote is more an indictment of my selective eyesight than a real mark against this show.

    I feel like Dune is nearly big enough to be a trilogy in itself. First movie: beginning of the book to the fall of House Atreides. Second movie: Jessica taking the Water of Life to Paul taking the Water of Life. Third movie: Harkonnen invasion to the end of the book, which is a relatively small segment, but there's

    Well, Transcendence was supposed to be the breakout movie from Christopher Nolan's cinematographer, so I see that as a calculated gamble. Best-case scenario, you've helped launch an exciting new directing talent (and probably get to show up in his next few movies); worst-case, you've made a movie no one will remember

    My guess is that every girl is gifted a DVD of Benny and Joon upon completion of the 8th grade.

    Except that Mortdecai is a previously-existing character, too, from books by Kyril Bonfiglioli like Don't Point That Thing at Me, Something in the Woodshed, and After You With the Gun. Also, doesn't PBS make a Poirot series? How expensive could those rights be?

    Unless they Keys decided to play the Re-Alto or Club Cungress when a favorite band of yours was scheduled to play, I don't see what they could have done to deserve your scorn. And given that they play arenas, and the Oneiversity of Ourizona's various stadiums usually don't host shows, that seems unlikely.