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    It's weird how many people read that review of a minor late-Updike book and latch onto the "Great Male Narcissists" tag while tossing aside Wallace's admission that he loves Updike and has read 25 of his books. He had nice things to say about Roth, too- one of the "Conversations with…" books that came out after his

    Well, if they had an impressively high ceiling and tried to hang themselves from it in such a way that they had to fall several feet before the rope went taut, they could theoretically behead themselves.

    Eggs McMuffin.

    Wasn't Bane in the Suicide Squad at some point? Wouldn't that be the ideal role for Hardy to fill?

    Justin Halpern is involved, so you know the main character's dad is going to be funny in a cantankerous and surprisingly vulgar way.

    It was easy for me to decide in KOTOR: I follow my heart, and my heart wants the super-cool Jedi or Sith powers that you get by rigorously sticking to one moral track or another, so there's no conflict there.

    Yet another instance of a world horribly disfigured by Jeph Loeb exercising creative control (see also: Heroes. I don't think he had much to do with that, but he was an executive producer, so I'm happy to lay that one at his feet too).

    I've always thought comics had a huge problem with essentially being second acts that had lasted for decades and decades- there was the origin, which rarely lasted more than one or two issues, and there was the promise of some sort of closure that could never come, so everything was just in a sort of stasis where new

    No, it turns out at the end of the show that they've been divorced the whole time, and have been talking about the 90s as a way of letting the kids know that they want to smoke weed and wear shitty-looking clothes again.

    That, and religion, politics, and how much money you make.

    Hey! My wife needs to throw her tampon in the toilet in order to get off! DON'T OPPRESS OUR MEANS OF EXPRESSING OUR LOVE WITH YOUR PLUMBING-NORMATIVE BIGOTRY!

    Nah, that's just him testing the waters, trying to figure out which side will piss more people off.

    Pleasantly surprised at the number of quotable moments here.

    The most interesting part of that passage to me is "I tricked him into becoming my webmaster." I would like to see the e-mail exchange that led to this anti-Marilyn Manson person getting tricked into running Manson's site. Did he know he was running a site for a celebrity he hated? Did he think it was another

    Followed immediately by "and believe me, I did not pay attention in history." I believed him.

    You should kick rocks and beat it.

    I saw Boyhood, and spent the rest of my weekend weeping over my wasted youth. On the positive side, I got reminded of a lot of great bands I used to listen to.

    All with a hint of a suggestion that they may have frequently considered killing her when she was an infant.

    From what I've had MFA students tell me, in grad school they just find more complicated ways of remaining unengaged with the work they were supposed to be workshopping.

    Being a prep school graduate, Archer's actually quite accurate with his usage most of the time. Whenever he uses "literally," he is at least trying to stick you with the image of him literally doing whatever he describes.