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    I think Teddy's been eating Bob's burgers for so long that his taste buds are just naturally calibrated with that as the default- if he eats or drinks something and likes it, it probably matches well with Bob's food.

    He apparently does a lot of theater stuff- my Mom went to New York a few years ago, and happened to see him on Broadway. Come to think of it, my Mom may have fibbed about the vacation part and gone to New York specifically to see him- she's a pretty big Kevin Kline fan.

    I thought it was a reference to Robert Ben Garant. At least one of the Night At The Museum movies has to have been nominated for Best Original Screenplay by now!

    Her face looks exactly like Kermit the Frog's right before he explodes with rage- something about the angle of the mouth.

    Seeing Sam Seder and Jon Daly's names in such close proximity made me briefly think that Jon Heder was in the episode, and I was trying to figure out which character sounded like Napoleon Dynamite.

    Care to explain to someone who doesn't know much of the reasoning behind character design?

    No, he's probably fine with it. He was bringing them to Jake to force him to spill the secret, and if Jake didn't spill, that meant he was stealing Boyle's idea for a bowling alley called Fingerholes, and he deserved to get humped within an inch of his life.

    Edward Norton did such a good job in Fight Club that every person who saw it left the movie with an urge to punch Jared Leto in the face. Or maybe the subliminal frames Fincher put into the movie all said "Jared Leto is an asshole," as a hilarious prank.

    Chris Walla's Facebook page is nothing but photos of him in sweatpants and oversized "No Fear" t-shirts, with the three remaining members of Death Cab tagged in each photo.


    Good. They kept calling me "outlander," even after I'd saved their sorry little swamp-island several times over. I'm glad only like five of them got to Skyrim and holed up in Windhelm.

    The funny thing is, I only watched the first movie named Bandits because I thought it was based on the Leonard novel. I was disappointed, and not just because it turned out to have nothing to do with the book- it was a weirdly overstuffed, directionless movie that wanted to be a serious one-last-job noir half the

    What, and let those asshole elves lord it over everyone? Or the Forsworn, a civilization that has large piles of human meat in every single settlement? Oh, but the Nords are oppressing the five or so Dunmer that were stupid enough to go to Skyrim, oh no, we can't have that. Except that the Dunmer were all complete

    Baudelaire enthusiasts have been inspired by the Edgar Allan Poe enthusiasts to create their own more decadent series of murders, but in France, so it doesn't count.

    Oh, like you don't have a cat that you named after a racial epithet, because it's not like he's going to come when you call him anyway.

    Hopefully people do not use this new medium to have tedious 2-hour conversations with each other that mostly consist of inside jokes, which the participants all laugh at more than anyone listening!

    I assume they didn't like Taxi Driver, which is equally guilty of all three things, either? Because I'm totally comfortable with disagreeing with those people.

    I think the word you're looking for is "quiet."

    "Well, you know America is changing right now, right? Marijuana?"

    Sounds more like an offer than a request.