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    What? Kier was great! Was that the interview where he rhapsodized over Pamela Anderson's breasts, after demanding that he get the chance to do so?

    He has in his business 12 Johns, for your information. You dig that? Okay?

    When you compromise person eat it.

    Not to mention being asked about the diversity and replying, "We were very discriminatory about who can actually present a certain way." How is "discriminatory" the first word that comes into your head when you're talking about how progressive and minority-friendly your show is? I'm not sure if this guy's insane or an

    *cocks spring-loaded monocle*

    Oooooh, a "bi" monthly blog. I get it. NOT FUNNY, YOU DAMN SEXIST HOMOPHOBE

    You can't stop them from droppin' these truth bombs, AV Club readership!

    The thing I absolutely love about that quote is that Miranda July has apparently run into a lot of men who bear a temperamental resemblance to Jon Arbuckle. I guess there is a downside to being so spontaneous and free-spirited all the time, though I'll be damned if I can figure out how one leads to the other.

    You just haven't seen him show you how to multiply any single-digit number by nine using only your hands.

    This reminded me that there always seems to be a lot less competition for original screenplays than adapted screenplays. It's a discrepancy that you'd figure one or two screenwriters would thrive off of, but I can't think of a currently-living writer who's won Original Screenplay twice. I thought Alexander Payne, but

    *puts lightsaber on a counter*
    "I've never really liked using these. Takes away the rush. Swinging a lightsaber- it's like ordering takeout."

    I'm not sure where Bringing Out The Dead goes. A gritty urban ambulance-driver drama full of Catholic imagery?

    Are you suggesting it would possibly be easy for someone to confuse a random Asian man for Gedde Wantanabe? Sorry you're so racist, bro.

    We'll know for sure if, in the finale, they finish another stressful dinner, get up to adjourn to the parlor, and find that they can't leave the room.

    …which is still just sploosh, I guess. But with semen.

    I dunno, even as a fictional construct, you would be referring specifically to the central deity in the Abrahamic religions either way. We capitalize Zeus, Hera, Odin, etc.

    I just watched Nebraska and looked up the AV Club review afterwards. It was by A.A. Dowd and received a C+. I was briefly surprised, then I looked at the byline again, and it all made sense.

    That Dowd describes a shot of seven taciturn people watching a football game as "gawking like lobotomy patients" should let you know that his problems with the movie come entirely from his own idea of who these characters must be, given their geographic location and socioeconomic background. It's not that Payne

    There's an enjoyably batshit movie. More movies with corrupt businessmen as the villains need to end with the villain getting run over by a hovercraft on a golf course. Also, when Jackie Chan takes out the gang members in the convenience store, it was the first time I thought, "you know, you really do not want to fuck

    One of my coworkers was watching this, and listening in it sounded like the movie was basically about how one of either Seth Rogen or Evan Goldberg really wants to make movies that tackle more serious issues, and the other one wants to keep making movies that consist of debauchery, dick jokes, and celebrity jokes, and