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    "You from Alderaan, you Ben Affleck."

    If you want a black Captain Marvel, why not just go with Monica Rambeau? Then you could start a Nextwave franchise!

    That the West did it speaks of bad qualities. That the West was strong enough to do so… I don't think that reveals any bad qualities. And I think the context of each situation needs to be taken into account- the US's continued tolerance of the Hussein regime may have been morally superior to its invasion of Iraq, but

    I don't think that a country should be granted the moral high ground by virtue of its impotence. That North Korea has bombed no countries since 1955 does not mean it would not have, had it sufficient military strength and found it in its best interests to do so. Furthermore, if we judge countries' morality by adding

    They tacitly supported Saddam Hussein's gassing of his own citizens by their decision not to intervene, obviously. Next question: why didn't North Korea do more to prevent the Russian military intrusions into Ukraine?

    You said "like our countries are any better except at PR," which certainly seems to imply a similar experience for the average citizen of each country. Also, I'm not sure that North Korea is worse at PR- it just requires that its PR machine characterize it as scary and unpredictable in order to keep its leadership in

    In your mum's defense, the nurse killing is still one of the most disturbing killings for me, probably because it's the only one in which you see the person trying to get away after she's had her eyes gouged out. When you see someone at the point where they'll take blindness, they'll take paralysis, they just want to l

    Not just children's tears, but orphan children's tears!

    With everyone ranking the seasons and shipping the characters, I think we're missing out on the thing everyone should be talking about…

    Yeah, the series was kind of uneven throughout, largely because it didn't have the benefit of the rigorous, almost classical outline of the first series, where each new season centered around a new element, had an emotional arc that revolved around a bender of that element (Katarra in 1, Toph in 2, Zuko in 3), and

    Battleblock Theater. It's not even close. I have occasionally found it hard to start playing the game because the menu music is so great:

    Yes, because trailers for comedies are always such accurate encapsulations of the comedic content of the film, which is why the full-length version of Neighbors involved Seth Rogen getting blasted across the room by a surprise airbag 270 times.

    There exist two movies in which Jim Carrey co-stars with Jeff Daniels, and spends most of each movie interacting with him.

    Well, if you're comfortable characterizing the final succession of character decisions and destinations as "mak[ing] people's lives misery due to Catholic guilt," you're not the type of person likely to be convinced by any argument Waugh might have come up with, but then I've always been pretty sure that Charles and

    It was alright. The first 20 minutes or so have a lot of cringe-inducing jokes that seem to be the Farrellys trying to locate the exact location of "the line" and crossing it a bit more than average. But once Kathleen Turner gives Harry and Lloyd a letter she sent to the daughter she never met (the letter was returned

    Yes, well, that's the point- from the point of view of someone with faith, the things that the characters lose as a result of theirs- money, love, sanity- are all so small and transitory as to be not even worth considering. The novel places us in the world of these things, makes them the central focus of the

    Except that there are chapters of Moby Dick that could not be told by Ishmael, because he is not there and has no way of knowing that the conversation is going on.

    Post-Dramatic Stress Tisorder?

    Your comment seemed to doubt the existence of such people. I was affirming that such people do in fact exist.

    He's described as a black kid the first time he's mentioned in the first book.