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    Videogame Review Decries Colonialist Impulse In Far Cry 4 While Simultaneously Comparing Denizens Of Foreign Country To 6-Year-Olds.

    You sound like an individual of baroque tastes.

    I did a similar thing with The Sims 2, and it just got more bizarre as the expansions came out- I created a family of vikings, a family of ninja, a family of superheroes, and a large group of roommates all dressed in medieval garb with the names of Arthurian knights. I suppose, in keeping with the thesis of this

    Punching, not beating the shit out of each other. Though, if we're doing the "exaggerate the position of the other person until it looks super dumb," I will say that beating the shit out of each other is preferable to exchanging five-hour-long prepared speeches about the fluctuations of your emotional state over the

    You have led a horrifying life.

    Yeah, next thing you know, they'll be hitting each other in the boobs for a full minute of screentime or something! This is definitely a new development!

    "instead of talking like normal people?" Normal people punch each other, as is clearly the thesis of this episode.

    He's going to grab some blankets, in case he gets cold.

    I complained in a previous "New Girl" review about the tendency of ensemble shows to have love interests outside the ensemble suddenly generate a major flaw whenever the guest actor's contract is up. Color me impressed that New Girl is giving Kai her flaw at the exact same time that it's showing why she's such a great

    You should really call it the "Friends" Approach To Writing Off Recurring Lovers/Dates." The acronym-generating part of my brain demands it.

    Yeah, they're doing it to look cool, because clearly the way to be cool is to talk about how much you like bands that have been around for over 35 years.

    Ana Tijoux has a new album out?

    Spoon, Ty Segall, The War on Drugs, and The Hold Steady were all good, if you're looking at modern rock. That said, I think the U2 album was comparable- it's just a little harder for them to surprise me than, say, Segall, who made a huge jump in quality largely because he had a greater potential space to jump.

    To be fair, Rolling Stone did give Album of the Year 2007 to Radiohead for In Rainbows, so they might just be a big fan of innovative release strategies.

    When Figjam's owner bans the kids, and then they ban him, and he gets angry and tells them they can't ban him from his own store- I don't remember the exact quotes, but that was funny. It's great to see how quickly the Belcher kids can draw someone down to their level of reality.

    My favorite cutaway went unnoted- Figjam's owner is still trying to stop the kids when Louise points out that his store is probably overrun with hippies helping themselves to five-finger discounts. Then it cuts to Figjam, where one hipster, the store's only current customer (possibly the only one not banned?) looks

    I want to see more about how the Pesto family functions. Maybe there'll be an April Fools Day episode called "Pesto's Pizzas" where we get a whole episode set in Jimmy Pesto's restaurant, and we see things from his perspective?

    As an easily-distracted kid who was the only boy in the family, this episode hit close to home for me.

    This seemed like a do-over of "Family Fracas," and they got everything right the second time. Bob loses the competition but bonds with his son and gets some extra business, the winner isn't a jerk, and Bob's family remains completely supportive of him throughout (until he wants them to work when there's a hot fudge

    Based on this show's track record with continuity (Blendin Blandin showing up in the background of three different episodes before "The Time Traveler's Pig" even airs), I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and see how they end up reconciling this.