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    Based on the way they were bickering, Robbie and Tambry were a romantic comedy couple waiting to happen. They're shouting at each other, he orders his fries to go, but then they sit down to eat the fries and presumably continue bickering, if the love potion hadn't gotten in the way. Mabel just sped up the process and

    And two former members of Sev'ral Timez are rooting through the garbage! Figures that no one would recognize them at an indie rock festival.

    Also, teenage acne.

    Robby clearly had a difficult entry into adolescence. That succession of school portraits is a short story in five pictures. Which, if a picture is worth a thousand words, is too long for all but the most prestigious short story publishers.

    The game designers actually created Friendster profiles for each of the campers, later exporting it to Double Fine's website and calling it Campster. You can tell they just loved writing these characters.

    Sasha also has a slideshow that suggests that a lot of his love of order, logic, and right angles comes from traumatic life experience as well.

    One of the coolest things Psychonauts did was try to combine level design with character development, and it's a shame no other game I can think of has tried to do the same.

    "Yes, we are all on the road crew. Our backs are killing us."

    How long is the longcat movie, if I may ask?

    The only way to do this movie well would be to have a regular "family discovers the true meaning of Christmas (at least the secular true meaning, where it's about family and snow and shit)" story, and just cut to obviously spliced-in video of Grumpy Cat every 7-10 seconds no matter what's happening onscreen.

    I imagine all the ads for this have to be done in the same style as that South Park episode where Stan becomes a cynic: "A Grumpycat Christmas! It's those photos of cats from the internet, but now it's a movie! Fuck you![fart noise] And it's set during Christmas![Christmas tree is engulfed in tidal wave of shit] Fuck

    Yeah, it was great, and, despite the script changes, was more faithful to the tone of Barrie's book than any other adaptation I've seen, none of which even try to capture the tragedy of Peter Pan that Barrie brings up in like every other chapter.

    Only in England. And I'm not sure that's the case anymore.

    Well, Peter's supposed to be the personification of childhood. So not too far off.

    Hey, the name's not usefulbeauty.

    hmmm, looks like the commenters angry at Israel are sharpening their knives…

    She wasn't a racist- she was just Russian. They are a very direct people. Okay, yes, and fairly racist.

    I love the weird little friendship that Cece and Nick have, that seems to consist entirely of Nick mooching off Cece, and her knowing he's never going to pay anything back.

    I'm glad I have a DVR so I can try to figure out what everybody told Winston to do re: the lunchlady. If I heard right, I think Nick considered "hot lunchlady" a classic sexual fantasy, and Coach seemed to believe that her being a lunchlady meant that food would be involved in the sex act.

    Coach's Ryan impression was great, especially when Jess followed with "first question: Really? Second question: What?" Really, every moment you list ends on a great line. "You two are barely fighting each other."